One of the most striking mushrooms that makes fans want to go collect them and that appears during the spring time is the Terfezia arenaria. It is a type of mushroom that usually grows in the Andalusian and Extremaduran meadows, mainly. It can be found in almost the entire Iberian Peninsula and falls into the category of spring mushrooms. Its maximum abundance is found during the months of April and May. One of the main characteristics of this mushroom is this growing underground.
In this article we are going to tell you all the characteristics, properties and how you should recognize the Terfezia arenaria.
Key features
This type of mushroom is popularly known by the name of earth criadillas. And it is that these mushrooms develop underground and only a part of them is seen when they have already grown into their adult stage. The shape of this mushroom is irregular and its size usually varies between 2 and 8 centimeters, although there are some larger specimens. The most normal thing is that we find these mushrooms with the occasional animal bite. This is because, since it is developed underground, there are many animals such as rabbits and hares that feed on these mushrooms.
As you would expect from a fungus that grows underground it needs some different characteristics compared to other common mushrooms. One of the needs of this mushroom is to a soil with acidic pH and that has a sandy texture. Hence the name of Terfezia arenaria. It refers to the type of soil in which it can grow more easily. If we try to find it in a natural way, we must go to areas where there are many herbaceous species and areas of cattle pastures.
Another common name for this mushroom is ground potatoes. The flowering of this mushroom requires a large amount of moisture in the soil. In addition, it not only requires a high degree of humidity, but also requires a large amount of solar radiation. It may be somewhat contradictory to think that solar radiation can destroy the excess moisture it needs. However, it is what makes it possible to develop, since its tissues and reproductive systems are underground. To be able to take advantage of solar energy they need a lot of exposure to the sun during the day.
If we want it to grow in good conditions, it will also need an area where it has semi shade. This is how it will help us to better maintain the degree of humidity if the weather is not good.
How to collect the Terfezia arenaria
This type of mushroom is very special and collected by fans of mycology. And this is because it is a type of fungus that does not lead to almost any type of confusion. The fact that it grows underground means that it does not have any confusion with other species of mushrooms. It is not the same to collect these earth criadillas than to collect species of amanitas in which we find ourselves some specimens that are poisonous and others edible. On these occasions it is more important to recognize mushrooms well so as not to get into trouble.
The peculiarity of growing underground means that we can find them among just 2 and 3 centimeters below the surface. Your search is more than complicated but it is more satisfying. The fact that we cannot confuse it with another species of toxic mushroom means that novices can collect this type of mushroom without any risk.
The harvest season is in spring. At this time it is where the ground potatoes spread most abundantly. Precipitation and humidity in the environment are important conditions. One of the indicators that can help us to collect the Terfezia arenaria is that, when it is in its final phase of growth, it shows a part of it. It is just a small part that appears and that can serve as an indicator to know that there is a small earth criadilla. This sign is just a crack, a small bump in the ground.
To be able to extract the mushroom from the ground we will need an awl to be able to nail it and pry it. In this way we manage to extract the mushrooms without receiving any damage.
Main uses of Terfezia arenaria
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, this mushroom is quite popular. Not only because its morphology or its way of collecting is curious, but because it has a great diversity of uses. One of the main uses is culinary. It is considered a fairly versatile mushroom when it comes to using it in the kitchen. And it can help us to replace the potato in various stews and garnishes. Another type of kitchen use is to make dishes based on the egg.
The taste of Terfezia arenaria it is in high demand in many places. You don't need too much originality to be able to enjoy the flavor of this mushroom. We just have to cook them in the microwave and add a little oil at the end and a little salt. This will make the criadillas de tierra have a good flavor to accompany various dishes.
Another important aspect of these mushrooms related to their use is that favor Mycotourism in rural areas. There are many people who are fond of mushroom picking who travel during the harvest season to enjoy them. These people make expenses in restaurants, hotels, shops, etc. What favors rural tourism.
Tips for looking for ground potatoes
To close the article we are going to tell you some tips that you should apply if you want to speed up the search Terfezia arenaria. The first thing to keep in mind is the harvest season. We must wait until the months of April and May for there to be a greater abundance of this specimen.
When looking for the ecosystem where there is more quantity, we must go to places with pasture areas and where there is agricultural activity. In these places we will look for cracks or lumps that can serve as a visual reference. If we know the type of soil, we will go to those with acidic pH and sandy texture.
I hope that with these tips you can collect the Terfezia arenaria.