Agaricus xanthodermus

Agaricus xanthodermus

Today we are going to talk about a type of mushroom that has long been mistaken for an edible mushroom. Its about Agaricus xanthodermus. It is one of the species of mushrooms that is toxic but is often confused with others of the same group that are not. It has some characteristics that make it different from others so it is necessary to learn about it before collecting the mushrooms of the Agaricus family.

In this article we are going to tell you all the characteristics, habitat and possible confusions of the Agaricus xanthodermus.

Key features

Hat and foils

It is a mushroom that has a hat that is globular in shape when young. The hat has an ovoid outline and reminds of a trapezoidal shape. As the specimen develops and reaches mature age we can see that the hat changes shape. From a globose shape to a convex and extended shape. One of the characteristics why It is often confused with others of the Agaricus group is that it yellows when rubbed. It is a very common characteristic in this species. As many and it is cut as if the touched area is rubbed or damaged it turns a yellow tone.

It has the margin of the hat convoluted to curved if we see it in the cut. When it advances in age and reaches the adult stage we see that it evolves to decurve. If we analyze it from the perimeter, we can see that the margin is entire and usually has remains of the universal veil. This is one of the characteristics that can help us differentiate this species from another. The fact of having the rest of the universal veil and analyzing the hat to the cut.

Its blades are free although they are tight when it is young. They have a whitish color with pink tones. When it evolves and reaches the adult stage, it has a very characteristic pink color that lasts for most of its life. Already in the old stage it is when it darkens to a dark grayish-brown color. It has slightly lighter edges in color.

Pie and meat

As for the foot, it has a slimmer shape and is easily detachable from the hat. It has a cylindrical shape and is hollow inside. One of the ways to differentiate is that this foot is frequently to see a kind of curve as we get towards the base. They usually measure between 5 and 15 centimeters in height and about 1.5 centimeters in diameter. It is a white color and turns chrome yellow if pressed or rubbed. This color becomes easier to recognize if we press or rub the base.

One of the differences of this species with respect to others is that it has a very wide characteristic ring with a double edge and differentiated faces. On the one hand, the upper face has a more membranous and consistent appearance and, on the other hand, the inner face is more fleeting and jagged. This last face of the ring is usually seen as it adheres to the foot.

Lastly, its meat is quite compact and consistent when young. It has a white color that will quickly change to chrome yellow if it is pressed short. Especially you can see this more intense yellow color in the part of the base of the foot. After a while we can see that it changes from a brown color and then to gray. Has an unpleasant taste and a characteristic phenol odor. This smell is accentuated when cooked. It is another indicator that can help us to differentiate this mushroom from the rest. Although we have already collected it, if while we cook it we can differentiate this smell of phenol, we will not become intoxicated with its toxicity.

Habitat of the Agaricus xanthodermus

This species of mushroom usually appears in abundance along the roads in various places. They can be seen forming closely knit groups and numerous specimens. It is rare to see it in isolated places as it does best in a group. We can find them near rubbish dumps, garbage dumps and garbage dumps. It is a species of mushroom more adapted to human ecosystems. It can be found easily in cities and appears quite abundantly in parks and gardens.

El Agaricus xanthodermus it is a toxic species par excellence. Although its toxicity is not very intense, its consumption should be avoided. Its toxicity is low and normally the most it can cause is difficult digestion. The strong smell that this mushroom gives off when it is cooking is what helps to recognize that it is not an edible mushroom. The taste is very unpleasant so it is difficult to be consumed. Just one copy of Agaricus xanthodermus in a mushroom dish you could ruin it both in quality and edibility.

This mushroom has long been confused with other species of the Agaricus group. This is because this group has characteristics in common with each other, such as yellowing when rubbed or cut. However, nowadays it is not usually so confused as it is more associated with urban ecosystems. Normally, people do not pick fruit or mushrooms that have grown in urban environments.

Main confusions of the Agaricus xanthodermus

Agaricus xanthodermus rings

We are going to analyze the main species that can cause confusion. As with other Agaricus, it can also be confused with white amanitas that belong to the same habitat. For example, it can be confused with fly agaric, fly agaric y Amanita phalloides. All these mushrooms mentioned they are very toxic and often fatal. The main difference so as not to confuse them is that they have white blades and have volva. Perhaps the most notable difference is that They never yellow, neither when rubbed, nor with pressure, nor when cut.

It can also be confused with other specimens of the edible white Agaricus group. These if they yellow when rubbed and mainly it is usually confused with the Agaricus sylvicola and the Agaricus arvensis.

As you can see, the Agaricus group may have some species that it is better not to collect due to their possible toxicity. I hope that with this information you can know more about the Agaricus xanthodermus.

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