Today we are going to talk about a type of mushroom that is considered a good edible and collected by all those mushroom fans. They are known by the name of agrocybe aegerita. Its common name is poplar mushroom and it is quite in demand for its conservation and consumption in different dishes.
In this article we are going to tell you about all the characteristics, habitat, possible confusion and conservation of the Agrocybe aegerita.
Key features
Hat and foils
This mushroom has a hat that can be confused with that of other species. Its size normally varies between 4 and 10 centimeters in diameter. In some copies we see a hat of a somewhat larger size, but it is the most normal. When the specimen was newborn, it has a hemispherical shape and evolves as it develops. The specimen is reaching its adult stage and the hat becomes convex. Finally, when it is an adult, the hat tends to flatten, although not completely.
It has a chocolate brown color at first, although it can also be a cream color. As it gets older it turns a few shades more creamy and pales. The margin of the hat is usually curved for a long time in its entire life.
Its plates can be highlighted with the naked eye. They have a white or cream color when they are young specimens. When they develop they turn to a more ocher color and are adnate-type sheets. It can be differentiated from other species of mushrooms of the same group since they have the blades somewhat tight to each other.
Pie and meat
As for the foot, it is usually a curved type foot. With respect to the hat it is quite long although it has a somewhat thinner consistency. Unlike other mushrooms whose base is thicker than the rest, in this case, It is a foot that is attenuated in the basal area. The color of the foot is clear and has a distinctive part that is key. And it is that it has a membranous ring in the upper part of the foot that has a white color.
When the mushroom is old you can see how the ring turns an ocher color. This ring can be appressed, although it is usually persistent over time. Although the mushroom is more deteriorated, the ring can be found quite easily.
Lastly, its flesh is whitish in color and compact. It is usually firmer on the hat and more fibrous on the foot. Since it is considered a good edible, it has a pleasant taste and smell.
Habitat of the agrocybe aegerita
This mushroom can appear at any time of the year. Because of this, we can help ourselves not to confuse this mushroom with others that have a similar morphology. We just have to look at the time of appearance. As long as the rain and humidity are favorable, this mushroom will be able to develop in good conditions.
Its habitat is usually found in a fasciculate way on stumps or living trees. Mainly the tree with the most abundance of agrocybe aegerita has is the poplar. Hence its common name poplar mushroom. We can also find some specimens around the willows and elms.
This mushroom needs a lot of rain and humidity. Thus, they usually develop in areas with a high amount of litter. Litter is the amount of leaves that fall from deciduous trees on the ground and that decompose over time. These leaves in a state of decomposition add organic matter to the soil and feed nutrients for all living beings associated with them. One of the advantages that litter has over other types of soil is that they are capable of retaining a large amount of moisture. This humidity is used by mushrooms to be able to develop in good conditions.
If summer rainfall is abundant and humidity is maintained at a high degree, this mushroom could bear fruit in large quantities.
Confusions of the agrocybe aegerita
Many of these specimens can be found in the willows that are placed in urban areas. These specimens have a lower quality than those that grow in the natural environment. Normally it can be verified that it usually gives between 9 and 10 annual shoots in a reproductive way. There are months when its abundance is much less. In general, these months are usually January, July and August. They coincide with the months in which there is an excess of rainfall or, on the contrary, a lack of water.
One of the main confusions that the agrocybe aegerita it is a mushroom of its own group. It's about the Agrocybe praecox. This mushroom is spring, gregarious and terrestrial. It is an edible species, so there is no need to worry about its confusion. You just have to look at the ring that is located at the top of the foot. It is easy to identify only with the habitat. However, since it can be found at any time of the year and after storms with generous rains, it can already serve as a distinctive.
Cultivation and maintenance
This mushroom can be grown artificially. We just need to know some characteristics and necessary requirements to be able to make it grow in good condition. The first thing we need is an organic substrate of the Bulk type. This substrate is characterized by having colonies of bacteria and being hydrated and ready for cultivation. It is the ideal substrate for growing mushrooms.
The poplar mushroom must first be taken at the top of the trunk and cultivated in this substrate. It usually has a fairly rapid colonization while it is in an environment with a humidity close to values of 85 and 95%. It is necessary to have cover soil so that they can sprout easily. The incubation temperature should remain between 20 and 26 degrees. For it to grow initially, the relative humidity must be higher.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about the agrocybe aegerita.