Amanita vittadinii

Amanita vittadinii

Today we are going to talk about a type of mushroom that was not widely known about its existence, so it was not well known if it was edible or not. It's about the Amanita vittadinii. Today it is known that it is an edible mushroom even if it does not have a very important gastronomic value. It can be confused with one of the mushrooms of the group of amanitas.

Therefore, we are going to dedicate this article to tell you everything you need to know about the characteristics, appearance and properties of the Amanita vittadinii.

Key features

Amanita vittadinii

Hat and foils

It is a type of mushroom whose hat it usually exceeds 10 centimeters in diameter. In some specimens we can find a diameter of up to 15 centimeters, which we have to take into account when it is collected. Normally this hat is globular in shape when it begins to sprout and evolves into a convex shape when it reaches maturity. We rarely find it with a flattened shape.

The surface of the hat is white and can also turn cream. It is usually quite dry in appearance and can be separated very easily from the meat. It is covered by scales that are part of the veil that covers the mushroom from the beginning of its growth. The scales can have a variable color depending on the individual and the conditions of formation. In some specimens we have colors ranging from cream to yellowish to ocher gray. Some surfaces may be flatter or pyramidal in shape. However, it will always have something to highlight.

The hat of the Amanita vittadinii It stands out for having a regular margin and it is not at all unusual that it usually has hanging remains of the veil. It has blades free with respect to the foot and they are tight between them. These sheets have a white color when they are young and, as they develop, they acquire a cream color. The consistency of the lamellae has a slightly waxy and soft touch.

Pie and meat

As for the foot, it has a cylindrical shape and is more radical at its base. Its consistency inside is quite hard and full. The upper part of the foot we can see that it has a smoother texture until we find a ring. The ring is in a hanging position and persists throughout its development. We can touch the ring and see that it has a smooth texture on the top and wrinkled on the bottom. All these details can help us to identify this mushroom and differentiate them from the rest of the group of amanitas.

If we analyze the part from the ring to the base of the foot we see that it is completely covered by scales arranged in a circular spiral. The entire foot in its entirety has a color similar to that of the hat. The base of the foot does tend to differ a little more since it has a more ocher tone.

Its meat has a thick texture and is consistent with a white color. If the specimen is young it can be easily differentiated since it has a very peculiar aromatic smell. As they develop and reach adulthood, they have a reduced odor and almost disappear. The taste of this mushroom is sweet.

Habitat of the Amanita vittadinii

Solitary mushroom

To find this mushroom naturally we must find quite a peculiar habitat. Until recently, its collection was quite complex since it is not a very common type of mushroom. And it is that its habitat has some peculiarities. It usually grows in meadows and pastures at a certain height. They are usually found among herbs and often accompanied by some species of Agaricus.

Its fruiting begins in spring although it also has another fruiting in autumn. Therefore, we can classify the Amanita vittadinii within the group of spring mushrooms. As it is a rare mushroom, its collection and identification is more complicated.

Possible confusions of the Amanita vittadinii

Amanita vittadinii hat

Since its habitat is very peculiar, it is often confused with the Agaricus. Surely many people have eaten this mushroom out of confusion. There is no need to worry about it since it does not usually create any kind of setback with it.

It is considered a good edible although not many people have tried it. Common mushrooms usually have chocolate brown blades when they are adults. Unlike them, the Amanita vittadinii it has cream colored blades. In addition, it is more difficult to identify because it looks more like the Amanita codinae. The main difference with this species is that it does not have such a hard foot. Another aspect to be able to differentiate it is that they come out in wastelands and forest glades. Therefore, although the appearance may seem to be quite, in its habitat not.

Another possible confusion is with the deadly mushroom known as fly agaric. This species also belongs to the same group of mushrooms but, unlike the others, it is deadly if consumed. The main difference with the Amanita vittadinii is that it has no scales and its volva is enveloping.

Some curiosities

This is one of the mushrooms that can often be found in isolation. Normally, all mushrooms appear in groups and under trees. The vast majority of them need a large amount of humidity and precipitation to be able to develop correctly. However, the Amanita vittadinii it is a somewhat unique species. It has a hybrid appearance between macrolepiota and armillaria. This mushroom is characterized mainly by having a white coloration throughout the carpophor and its appearance is generally scaly.

It is a fairly rare species to find given that higher temperature conditions are needed in its habitat. This makes this mushroom known as a thermophilic species. Being a solitary fungus, its collection is more difficult. Due to the great scarcity that this mushroom has had for a long time, its possible edibility was not known. Nowadays more is known about it and it can be said that it is a good edible.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the Amanita vittadinii.

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