There is no doubt that the flamboyant is a tree much appreciated by plant lovers. It grows relatively fast, to the point that it can flower from 4 or 5 years of age if the weather allows it. However, if I put together the questions that you have asked us through the blog and those that are formulated in Google, I think that an article is needed that talks about the mistakes that are usually made when growing it.
And it is that although, really, nothing has to go wrong, the truth is that The flamboyant tree is not an all-terrain plant; that is, it has its weak points that should be known so that no problems arise. For this reason, I am going to answer the questions that you usually ask us the most, and incidentally I will review everything you need to know to be successful with this plant.
Leave it outside in winter if there is frost
One of the most common mistakes is leaving it outside when you live in a frosty area. When the weather starts to cool down, it should be brought indoors so that it does not suffer damage; otherwise, not only will it lose its leaves, it may not survive.
For this reason, it is also highly recommended to add one or two tablespoons of nitrophoska (the blue balls), once every 15 days. It will be better that way.
What temperature resists the flamboyant?
El flamboyan should not be outside if the temperature drops below 0 degrees. In the event that there is a weak and occasional frost in your area, down to -2ºC, you could try to acclimatize it after its third year of life, placing it in an area that is very sheltered from the wind.
From my own experience growing other tropical and subtropical plants in the south of Mallorca, I can confirm that the cold wind often does more damage than the frost itself. For this reason, I consider that it is more important to protect it from drafts, placing it in a corner and/or in an area surrounded by plants that serve as a windbreak.
Not repotting it or planting it in the ground when necessary
Ideally, it should be in the ground from a young age, as long as the weather is warm year-round; Otherwise, it is best to have it in a pot and transplant it every 2 or 3 years to a larger one.
Now, if you choose to plant it in the garden, you have to find a sunny area, since this way it will be able to grow properly.
Where to plant flamboyant?
It should be placed away from pipes and soft pavement, as well as other large trees.. And it is that the roots of the flamboyant are invasive and superficial, so it is very important to take this into account when choosing a site.
On the other hand, if it is going to be in a pot, it must have drainage holes, and be more or less as tall as it is wide, so that its root system can develop well. Likewise, it will be filled with light soil, such as the universal substrate of the brand Flower o BioBizz that you can acquire by clicking on the links.
How many years does a flamboyant live?
The flamboyant tree is a fast-growing plant that flowers early. Like other species with these characteristics, their life expectancy is relatively short.
Generally, can live 60 years; however, this will depend a lot on the growing conditions, the weather, and how it recovers from pests and diseases.
water a lot or a little
The flamboyant is a tree that does not tolerate much drought, especially during the summer. For this reason, we have to ensure that it does not lack water, watering it from time to time. But, How many times a week do you have to water it?
The truth is that it depends on the climate in the area: the drier and warmer, the more it will have to be done, since the earth dries out faster. For example, I have to water it up to 3 times a week in summer, and 1-2 times a week the rest of the year, since the dry months coincide with the summer season.
Now, how do we know if we are watering too much or too little? Looking at the symptoms you have:
- Symptoms of overwatering: the leaves turn yellow quickly and fall off, starting with the oldest (lower) ones; soil will look moist and verdigris or mold may grow; if it is in a pot, we will notice that it is quite heavy.
- Symptoms of lack of irrigation: newer leaves will dry up and fall off; the land will look and feel dry; and in serious cases, there could be pests (mealybugs are usually the most common).
How to recover it? In the first case, what we will do is suspend the irrigation and apply a polyvalent fungicide (you can buy it No products found.) so that the fungi do not damage it. If it is in a pot without holes or we have put a saucer under it, we have to change it to another that does have holes in its base, and/or drain the saucer every time we water, otherwise the roots will rot.
And if what happens to him is that he is thirsty, we will simply have to water him. If it is in a pot, we will put it in a container with water for half an hour or so, and from then on we will water more frequently.
Forgetting to fertilize the flamboyant tree in spring and summer
Especially if the climate is temperate, it is important that it grows as much as possible so that it reaches winter strong. So, it is very important to pay it while the good weather lasts, since that is when it is growing. But what to use? Fast-acting fertilizers, of course.
For example, the guano is a very popular natural fertilizer, but can also be used fertilizers for green plants o flowering plants. But in any case, you have to follow the instructions for use so that problems do not arise.
When do flamboyants bloom?
To enjoy the beauty of its flowers, you have to wait for a minimum of 4 or 5 years, although it can take up to 10 years to flower for the first time. If the weather is right and it's planted in the ground, it shouldn't take long to produce its lovely flowers; however, if it's mild and/or you don't feel completely comfortable, it will take longer.
In fact, if it is kept in a pot it will be difficult for it to flower, and the same will happen if you work as bonsai. It is not that it is difficult for it to do so, but we will have to have more patience and pay it regularly so that it has the necessary nutrients for flowering to occur.
I hope that these tips will be useful to you in knowing how to take care of your flamboyant tree.