The 10 most impressive and curious carnivorous plants


If you are a plant lover and interested in the most unusual and surprising flora, you may want to take a closer look at carnivorous plants. These plants are unique, not only because of their ability to capture and digest prey, but also because they often have unusual and interesting shapes and forms.

Currently there are approximately 600 species of carnivorous plants, some of which consume insects. The largest ones are capable of digesting reptiles and small mammals, The smallest ones specialize in single-celled organisms such as bacteria, crustaceans, mosquitoes and small fish.

Carnivorous plants

They can live in humid places with very few nutrients such as swamps, waterways, forests, sandy or rocky places. They can be found on all continents, except in Antarctica.
Below, we offer you a list of 10 of the most impressive and curious carnivorous plants that we think you will find really fascinating.

Sarracenia leucophylla (The white-topped pitcher plant)


The white-topped pitcher plant is a typical example of a carnivorous plant, common in the southeastern United States. It grows in very humid and low altitude places, as well as in open pine savannahs.

This unusual looking small plant is characterized by a tall jug-shaped structure, its leaves are very elongated and whitish in the upper part where the flowers are located, reaching up to a meter in height.

When an insect is attracted to the sweet nectar of this plant and enters its mouth, it becomes trapped in specially designed hairs that prevent it from escaping.

The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)


Perhaps one of the best known carnivorous plants, the Venus flytrap It is also one of the most curious. They can be found in pine forests as well as in the southeastern United States. This striking plant has a round rosette of brightly colored leaves lying on the ground, joined by a long stem, topped with small white flowers.

The leaves are the most interesting feature of this plant: they are bright green with a red "mouth" in the center. When an unsuspecting insect activates the hairs surrounding the mouth, it closes, trapping the prey inside. The leaf then secretly produces digestive enzymes, allowing it to absorb all the necessary nutrients from its prey.

It feeds mainly on flies and small arachnids. The rapid movements of its mechanism for hunting prey are carried out in less than 100 thousandths of a second.

Drosera capensis (Cape sundew)

Drosera capensis

The Cape sundew is an incredible and unique carnivorous plant that can be found in southern Africa, very close to the Cape of Good Hope. This small two-leaf plant features long hair-like appendages extending from the leaf stems. every hair It contains a very sticky transparent liquid that it uses to trap and capture its prey.

The hairs bend in response to the movements of the prey, ensuring that it can be caught effectively. These plants have small white or pink flowers located on their stems, which appear in the spring and summer months.

Furthermore, these plants are used for ornamental, gastronomic and even medicinal uses, such as, for example, to combat coughs, stomach ulcers or treat sunburns.

Cephalotus follicularis

Cephalotus follicularis

This amazing Australian plant is one of the only carnivorous plants found outside of America or Europe. The pitcher plant stands out for its incredible style and shape, with Its bulbous, jug-shaped leaves are up to 10 cm long.

This plant has a pattern of red spots on the leaves that give it a stunning and unique look. Besides, They are covered in a sticky substance that can easily trap their prey., while producing a crucial enzyme that helps the plant break down and absorb nutrients from the insect.

This plant is unique in the species of carnivorous plants, the great peculiarity is that its structure has a kind of lid on the top and its function is to keep rainwater out, having the place reserved for its prey. Inside contains tiny hairs that point downward, preventing insects from getting out.

Aldrovanda vesiculosa (The noria plant)


This unusual and intriguing carnivorous plant grows in shallow, stagnant freshwater environments, such as ponds or other bodies of stagnant water. The waterwheel plant is unique in that it has no leaves or roots, but rather a small "spoke" shaped structure with 6-9 leaves.

This plant is equipped to capture unsuspecting prey through the stems. They are covered with 6 to 8 leaves arranged along the central stem, each of them has a small trap supported by a petiole similar to an air bag that helps with flotation.

This plant is also known as water wheel, is the only non-extinct species in this genus, the aldrovandas, since the rest of the 19 species only have fossil records.

They are increasingly rare, although they can be seen in parts of Europe, Africa and Asia. It is a demanding and very expensive plant. Its way of hunting is very similar to the Venus flytrap, It has trigger hairs and unlike the Venus they point to the left instead of up, its teeth are very small and practically not visible, but they trap their prey there. The flowers are tiny white and can be self-pollinated.

Nepenthes alata (The Monkey's Cup)

Nepenthes - carnivorous plants

Nepenthes alata, better known as monkey cup, is a unique carnivorous plant that can be found in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. The leaves of the monkey cup have a characteristic tubular shape of vibrant green, and measure up to 20 cm in length. These leaves are joined by long tendrils, which produce white flowers when they bloom.

In addition to the brightly colored patterns on the tops of its leaves, the monkey cup also has a pitcher filled with water at the end of each leaf. Prey are captured in these jars, before being digested and absorbed by the plant.

Dionaea muscipula var (The Venus “Shark” flytrap)


The Venus flytrap “Shark” is a cultivated variety of the well-known Dionaea muscipula flytrap. The leaves of this incredible plant are wider and brighter green than those of the typical variety, which gives it an even more supernatural appearance.

They have an intense red mouth with individual fang-shaped "teeth", which has given it its nickname. The “Jaws” Venus flytrap is an excellent choice for those who want to add a special touch to their carnivorous plant collection.

Pinguicula grandiflora: the secret carnivorous plant

Pinguicula-grandiflora - secret carnivorous plants

It is one of the most impressive carnivorous plants in the plant world. It is considered an incognito carnivorous plant because At first glance it cannot be identified as such, since it does not have any specific anatomical structure that can be considered a trap. Its spectacular purple flowers can help it pass as an ordinary plant.

The system it uses to hunt its prey is based on Its rosette-shaped leaves release a sticky mucilage to capture them. It is found in some high areas of Europe, mainly in Spain, Switzerland, France and Ireland.

Darlingtonia californica or cobra lily

Darlingtonia-californica- carnivorous plants shaped like a cobra

This plant is native to California, It is very popular for its original appearance of a cobra snake, very striking and charismatic.. It is a somewhat difficult plant to grow, it is not for beginners. It needs a lot of sun, although it is very resistant in winter.

A very particular characteristic is that it can turn the head of the plant 180 degrees and Inside the hole where the stem is located, the forked tongue seems to protrude.

The upper part of the stem is transparent in color, it is to create the illusion that when insects enter it, they will have an easy exit. This plant captures flies, wasps sometimes larger prey.

Sarracenias: easy to grow carnivorous plants


The sarracenias They are very easy to grow carnivorous plants, they need open air, full sun and water with low mineral content to grow properly.

This genus consists of 15 species that are found only in North America, they do not tolerate the cold climate so they are found south of Virginia in the most temperate part.

They are excellent plants for heated greenhouses, are also recommended for growing indoors with artificial lights throughout the year.

This plant captures insects through its hollow jugs that It contains a very striking nectar to attract them, in addition to the combination of smells and colors.

Do carnivorous plants grow better indoors or outdoors?

They are relatively easy to grow, but They need special care such as moist soil all the time, lots of light and water without minerals. such as rainwater or distilled water.

El soil has to be rich in peat and sand that must be clean and washed. You can use the one you use for the children's play box, that one works. Avoid using beach sand or limestone-based sand.

Carnivorous plants need a lot of light since they grow in soggy, nutrient-poor swamps, but they are open and very sunny places.

Therefore, They grow best outdoors, if indoors, they should be very bright and sunny places. The ideal place to place them is a window sill; they can also grow in very good conditions with artificial light.

As we have seen, carnivorous plants are an excellent option, they are very original and striking and you can have them inside the home or in the garden, always taking into account the indicated care.

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