amanita spissa

amanita spissa

Today we are going to talk about a type of mushroom belonging to the group of amanitas and that can give rise to different confusions with the mushrooms of the same group. It's about the amanita spissa. It is a mushroom considered a mediocre edible but it is not toxic to health. Therefore, it is important to learn to recognize this species as it can be confused with others that are.

In this article we are going to tell you all the characteristics, habitat and possible confusions of the Amanita spissa.

Key features

foot ring

Hat and foils

It is a type of mushroom whose cap has a globose shape that evolves into a convex shape as it develops. This type of hat development is found in many types of mushrooms of the amanitas group. Already this hat and its evolution can indicate a kind of difference with other mushrooms that are not of the amanitas group. This hat has a cuticle with a grayish brown color and a more or less dark tone. Its diameter varies between 5 and 15 centimeters depending on the rainy season.

One of the characteristics for which the hat can stand out is that it has many remnants of the universal veil on the edges. When the youngest specimens these remains of the veil cover it completely. You can see how numerous membranous warts with a grayish-white color and that make up concentric rings. Warts can be recognized with the naked eye because they are fleeting. These warts stand out more when rainwater has fallen on them.

Another way to learn to differentiate this fungus is through the cuticle. We can see that the cuticle can be separated very easily from the hat. In addition, the margin of the hat is smooth and evolves flat and is not striated.

La amanita spissa it has free and tight blades. Among the plates we can find smaller and white lamélulas. The edge has a smooth to subfloose texture.

Pie and meat

As for the foot, it has a cylindrical and quite robust shape. It gets thicker as we go towards the base and ends in a fairly obvious bulb. This bulb has a pointed shape and looks like a turnip. We can recognize the foot well as it has a furfuraceous white color and is decorated with various scales with a lighter gray color. These scales are located completely surrounding the foot and placed next to the remains of the volva that practically disappear over time.

The foot is easily detachable from the hat. An interesting aspect to be able to differentiate the amanita spissa from another mushroom is that it has a membranous ring on the foot with an elastic texture and white in color. This ring can easily separate with excess moisture and has a ridged texture on the top. From the ring to the hat we can see that the foot is vertically grooved. From the ring down it is ready.

Finally, its meat is compact and has a fairly mild flavor. Another point to be able to recognize it is its smell of potato or radish. It is an unmistakable smell although later its flavor is not so similar.

Ecology and habitat of the amanita spissa

This species has its range in all coniferous forests or deciduous forests. They are mushrooms that need a lot of moisture and water retention. These conditions are offered by deciduous forests since the litter can store a large amount of moisture in the soil. In this way, it helps to establish the necessary conditions so that the amanita spissa can grow in good condition.

This mushroom appears in early summer and lasts until fall. Depending on the rainfall, it can appear in late spring and last a little longer in autumn. It is a more common type of mushroom than is known. That is, although it is a mushroom that not much is known about it, it is quite common due to its abundance. And it is not a type of mushroom that grows solitary, but sprouts in groups of quite a few specimens.

As we mentioned before it has a mediocre edibility. It is a very popular mushroom in the kitchen and has traditionally been used in the cuisine of many regions. When we are cooking it, it gives off a strong smell of radish or potato. Although it is not a high-quality edible, it can be used to make some quite delicious dishes and used as a garnish in meats and stews.

Possible confusions of the amanita spissa

Amanita spissa variety excelsa

Now we are going to place more emphasis on the possible confusion that we can have when collecting this mushroom. The most common confusion of the amanita spissa is amanita pantherina. It is a fairly toxic mushroom and its use or harvesting is highly recommended. To know how to differentiate the two mushrooms, you must have a lot of experience on the ground and on theory. It is important that if we have some kind of confusion, we do not collect the mushroom. Prevention is better than cure.

To know the main difference of the amanita pantherina we must look at its margin. The margin of the hat is striated and has white warts with a pyramidal shape. His volva is circumscribed.

Another possible confusion is the amanita rubescens. If you get confused with this species do not worry as it is a good edible as long as it is well cooked. It is a mushroom that cannot be eaten raw. The main difference is that it has a pinkish foot and has a continuous ovoid bulb. Said bulb is less obvious and is pink in color. In addition, it stains wine red when brushed or cut.

As a curiosity, there are some expert mycologists who have long identified the amanita spissa as a parity of the excellent amanita. Currently, different molecular studies have been carried out to better classify these mushrooms.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the mushroom Amanita spissa.

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