Guide to growing mushrooms in alpacas at home

mushrooms grow on alpaca

Surely more than one would like to open the refrigerator and have a large variety of fresh mushrooms, as if they were freshly picked and also, at low cost. For it, it is necessary to grow the mushrooms in alpacas and you can do it in your own home.

What is good about alpacas? That does not require any type of experience when cultivating. Thanks to these devices the mushrooms will grow healthy and healthy. Would you like to know how to grow them?

Characteristics of alpacas

alpaca helps keep moisture in

We have to remember that mushrooms are heterotrophic organisms and therefore do not photosynthesize. These organisms have a cell wall that contains chitin. They are organisms capable of converting organic compounds into simpler ones for their assimilation. To do this they need other organisms.

So, it is not necessary to have a plot or land, but with the mycelia of fungi and a substrate so that they can begin to develop is enough. For those who do not know what alpaca is, it is a plastic bag that does not allow light to pass through. To fulfill its function, small holes are made for its perspiration and it is filled with cereal grains, manure and straw. This serves as a compost. The alpaca should be kept in places with good ventilation, with a high degree of relative humidity and cool.

Alpacas care needs

with the alpaca you can grow mushrooms at home

Other ideal conditions for the alpaca are:

  • A humidity of between 75-90%
  • Good ventilation. To do this, we place the bag near a stream of fresh air.
  • A temperature between 13 and 25 ° C and that is more or less stable.
  • The best time to grow mushrooms in alpacas is between October and March, as these are the coldest and most humid parts of the year.
  • To water it, it is enough to spray the alpaca once or twice a day to keep it moist.
  • About 8 hours of natural light, avoiding direct sun that reduces humidity.
  • To avoid contamination by harmful gases, it is vitally important not to leave them in garages where there are cars.

With this guide you can always have fresh mushrooms in your home.

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      Hector said

    Good afternoon, I would like to report that this article has a lot of content copied from our article:

    Phrases like:

    The fruiting of the mushroom occurs in waves; Between one and the other, approximately a week elapses. Cut the ripe mushrooms with a knife or scissors flush with the bag

    Do not locate in garages or near boilers to avoid contamination by toxic gases.

    its metabolism converts organic compounds into simple chemical elements that are mineralized with the collaboration of the microorganisms that surround them, that is, they “decompose” the organic matter, thus returning to the life cycle

    And others are completely copied from the original article so I ask you to either link to the original content or delete said content.

    Thank you.

      Carlota said

    When the season ends how do I save them for the next season