Gardens, plants, flowers and dry land seem to be incompatible terms. However, there are plant species that do not need water to live and are also beautiful. They can allow you to show off a beautiful space even in places that are especially affected by drought. And, taking into account that, unfortunately, water scarcity is an increasingly widespread reality, it is worth considering having a dry garden at home or taking advantage of it if you already have one. We teach you in this article how to make the most of a dry garden.
It is not a matter of magic and, we assure you, that all, all, absolutely all the plants that shine in a dry garden are natural. We have not gone to a euro store to buy plastic plants. There will be those who like it, but that is not our case. The survival of these gardens has its secrets, of course. And if you want to know them, you should start by reading this post. Let's start!
What is a dry garden
The first thing is to know what is a dry garden, because perhaps we are talking and you don't have much idea of what exactly it consists of and its characteristics. Of course you already know the basics and that is that a dryland garden can survive with hardly any water, so the need for irrigation is reduced to a minimum. Don't let drought scare you when it comes to beautifying a garden! Only choose well the species that will live best on your land.
Above all, if you live in an arid area, where the rains barely appear and drought is one of the classic conversations of each season, try not to bring exotic species to your garden. Bet instead on indigenous species. If the plants you plant are accustomed to drought, you will have no problems getting them to develop and live in your garden.
Furthermore, generally, the plants that need little water They are also very good because they require low maintenance, so you will not have that slavery imposed by some very delicate plant species that demand sun, semi-shade and constant watering.
Due to the special conditions in which they live, these plants are usually very resistant and, therefore, little prone to suffer from diseases and pests. Although this is not absolute and, of course, it can be attacked by some parasites, although to a lesser extent than plants that are watered frequently.
Dry gardens and their advantages
The dry gardens have their advantages. We have already shown you some of them, but it is really worth considering trying this experience, since you will learn to love plants and admire their resistance.
Conclusion sustainable gardens, because they use little water and, at the same time, you do not need to apply fertilizers. You won't have to resort to insecticides either, so the environment will suffer less.
You will also save time and not just money. Money because you will not have to spend on fertilizers, fertilizers, insecticides and water, as well as your own time as you will not have to be on top of the plant every day.
As long as you have native plants in your garden, you will be providing shelter to some animal and insect species that are increasingly struggling to survive.
Tricks to get the most out of a dry garden
We already pointed out the need to choose plants wisely, opting for native species or those that are capable of adapting to the dry climate. The plants will be the fundamental element of the garden and, if you want take advantage of your dry garden You'll have to start here.
What plants to choose for your dry garden
There are many interesting species that you can choose from, for example, the lavender essence , romero, santolina, agave, as well as other succulents and cacti. They are very resistant wild plants and, in addition, they have the added advantage that several of them give off an exquisite aroma that will fill your garden with charm and turn it into a pleasant space. But there is more! Because the design will also help you achieve that paradise in your garden, despite living in a dryland area.
Analyze the land before planting
Before sowing or planting your species, it is always advisable evaluate the terrain. Know what type of soil we have and identify the different areas there are, because there will be areas where it retains moisture better and others that are drier, some sunnier and others more shady. Knowing what there is and how each area is distributed will help us choose the exact place that will be ideal for each type of plant.
You will also be able to see if the land is suitable for cultivation or if you need to clean it up. Or if you will have to improve drainage, adding sand or gravel.
Make a sketch of your garden and place each plant in its ideal location, placing the plants that need more water in those areas where the soil retains moisture better and vice versa.
Use practical materials to decorate
You will be able to decorate in a practical way, using materials that, in addition to looking beautiful, help to fulfill different purposes, among others, to keep moisture or to prevent or hinder the growth of weeds. It is the case of the stones or record. Both will make the space more aesthetically pleasing, but they ensure that the water does not evaporate and the plant can hydrate.
Add shade and place structures
Shade is good because it makes moisture evaporate more slowly. Search for it by placing elements like pergolas, awnings or even planting trees in the garden. It will also be an excellent idea to place green walls.
Dry land garden styles
There are different styles you can choose for a dry garden. For example, the mediterranean garden, where species such as olive trees, laurel and bougainvillea flowers predominate. Adding stone paths, gravel and water fountains as decoration.
Another option is the cactus and succulent gardens. They are perfect when the garden is very dry and watering will be a major problem. Or, simply, because you like the beauty and intense green that these plants bring to any space.