Today we are going to talk about a species of mushroom that is not considered edible. Its about Milkman. It is also known by the common name of false chanterelle and it is a species of fungus of the Basidiomycetes class and of the Russulaceae family. As it has a spicy and rather unpleasant taste, it is not considered a kind of edible mushroom. However, in this article we are going to give you all the necessary keys to be able to recognize this species and not confuse it with others.
If you want to know more about him lactarius torminosus, this is your post.
Key features
We are talking about a type of mushroom that has a hat that can exceed 10 centimeters in diameter when it is at its maximum growth. Its shape is entirely convex during most of its development. This convex part becomes more relevant as the mushroom develops and reaches the stage of maturity. That's when it starts to flatten out or funnel a bit.
It has a cuticle with a reddish color and hours concentric stripes in which the red color alternates with lines of a more creamy color. These lines are an indication to be able to differentiate this mushroom from another. The cuticle is covered by a strong hairiness that gives it a wool-like appearance. As you get into old age, the lining is likely to wear off. It is also another indication of how old the mushroom may be.
The margin of the hat is curved when the specimen is younger. As it grows, it becomes smoother and the wool-like lining is more noticeable on the margins than on the rest of the hat. As for the blades, they are tight to each other and quite narrow. They have a cream color that alternate with reds. In some cases, we have pinkish reflections when the fungus is younger.
Your foot has a large proportion to the size of the hat. It is usually central and cylindrical in size although it is attenuated at the base in some specimens. When they are young, the foot is completely full of meat and, as they develop, they become hollow. It is quite light in color, turning whitish when the mushroom is young. With the passage of time it adopts more pink tones and presents pink scrobicles. Not all copies present them.
Finally, it has a consistent white meat and quite thick. The meat can acquire pink tones on some occasions. We can see how a type of white latex exudes that is immutable in the air and spreads through the sheets. This means that if we place the fungus on a handkerchief, it turns it yellow. This exuding latex is pungent and has a fruity odor that is not unpleasant but does taste unpleasant.
Habitat and area of distribution
El Milkman It is a fungus that we can find exclusively forming mycorrhizae in areas close to birch trees. If they grow in mountain areas they will be closer to birch trees. We can also find them in some mixed forests formed by oak, beech and birch. In these cases they form circles or rows of numerous specimens. It also depends on the humidity and rainfall you have had recently. If the forest, whether dense or not, maintains a certain high degree of humidity, the specimens of Milkman they will be able to develop and with a greater quantity.
It is not a species that had to have an exclusive habitat but it can come out throughout the fall as long as certain environmental conditions are maintained. It has been observed that this species of Lactarius can cause quite serious gastrointestinal disorders if consumed.
Possible confusions of the Milkman
Since we are talking about a species of inedible fungus, it is important to know how to recognize it with the naked eye and to be able to differentiate it from other species of the same genus. Since it does not have a fixed habitat, we can find it in quite a few areas as long as the environmental conditions mentioned above are maintained.
We must know how to differentiate the reddish color of its cuticle and the woolly texture that is concentrically located. The unchanging white latex in the wind is what has to help us differentiate this species from the others. Can be easily confused by the Lactarius pubescens since it also grows exclusively in areas, birches. Nevertheless, It is not a type of zoned fungus nor does it have a reddish cuticle. The cuticle of this species is lighter to a whitish and cream color and is also considered a species of inedible mushroom.
It is also easily confused with chanterelles. This is because here they also generate certain latex but of other colors. For this reason, it receives the common name of false chanterelle. The chanterelles usually have orange latex and never white.
Toxicity and effects of Milkman
We must bear in mind that if we consume this specimen we will have negative side effects on our body. After ingestion, it usually produces typical symptoms such as are gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea and vomiting. It is not a mortal species. We can also differentiate it by its intensely spicy flavor when consumed raw. They are spicy that if consumed raw can form blisters on the tongue.
The toxicity of this type of mushroom is limited to causing these gastrointestinal disorders and irritating to the digestive tract. If ingested in they are capable of causing a self-limited gastroenterocolytic syndrome. The symptoms that are experienced after consuming this type of mushroom are nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. These symptoms appear in the first 15 minutes to 3 hours after ingestion.
As we can see, these disorders can lead to dehydration, muscle spasms, and circulatory collapse. Even with all these effects, it is not normal for them to be too dangerous. This gastroenteritis can usually be resolved without any treatment or in just a couple of days.
I hope that with this information you can know more about the Lactarius torminosus.
I found this variety under my birch trees in the garden, in Mendoza, Argentina, our fall in full here.