Lactarius winesus and Lactarius resimus

Today we are going to talk about a couple of species of mushrooms that are often confused with others of the same group and that belong to the genus Lactarius. It is about the species Lactarius Vinosus and the species Lactarius resimus. These two species are considered good edibles and due to their somewhat more unpleasant appearance they are confused with toxic species. To avoid this confusion, here we are going to show you all its characteristics and how to differentiate them.

If you want to learn to distinguish the species Lactarius Vinosus y We are a dairy farmer, this is your post.

Features Lactarius Vinosus

This mushroom is known by the common name of Níscalo vinous or lactarian of blood. It has a flat, somewhat convex hat that has a small depression in the center. It is a hat that usually measures approximately 10 centimeters in diameter and with a rolled edge when young. Said margin becomes curved when it reaches its adult stage. This is one of the characteristics that we can use to be able to differentiate the age of this mushroom and its characteristics. The margins of the hat are also generally wavy.

Its cuticle is orange in color with shades of vinous orange, purplish orange or pinkish orange. You can see how the most manipulated areas turn a greenish tone. It is a shiny hat and becomes slimy in rainy weather. It is easy to separate it from the foot.

It has sheets adherent to sub-currents and they are sheets tight between them. Some are arched and have small lamellae. These blades have a vinous pink, dark vinous red, or vinous stained color. You can also see green nuances in the plates in the areas where it rubs the most.

As for the foot, it is short and cylindrical and was attenuated towards the base. It does not have too much meat since it is hollow and has a pruinous surface. This foot has a whitish color and has some violet hues. It is quite short and it is usually 2 to 4,5 centimeters long and 0,9 to 2 centimeters thick.

Lastly, its meat is tough and compact. It has a whitish color except for the area closest to the surface. In this area it has a vinous red color. Its smell is weak but fruity and its flavor is slightly bitter. It is considered a good edible. It barely has the latex.

Habitat and confusions of the Lactarius Vinosus

lactarius winesus toxic appearance

El Lactarius Vinosus it grows in pine forests in the autumn time. It can be found in great abundance in mycorrhiza at the base of pine trees. It is one of the less frequent mushrooms so it is not so well known. Although it is considered a good edible, due to its vinous appearance it is often mistaken for a toxic species. Since it is not as well known as other species of the genus Lactarius, it is forgotten.

Often confused with the species Lactarius sanguifluus although it can be identified quite easily.

Features We are a dairy farmer

We are a dairy farmer

El We are a dairy farmer It features a funnel-type hat. Its margin has some hairs when it is young. The cuticle is somewhat slimy and even worse when studious time. It has a white color with some yellowish spots. Its texture is finely grained. It usually has a diameter of approximately 15 centimeters. The shape of the hat is convex and somewhat depressed in the center.

It is easier to identify as it sometimes has ocher-colored areas and the margin is finely tufted. When it reaches adulthood it tends to sink further through the center. The margins are involute and it is covered with a fine layer of short hairs like fluff when young. Its cuticle is smooth and whitish in color. As it develops and reaches maturity, this whitish color progressively stains in the center with yellowish spots.

Its plates are somewhat decurrent and are separated from each other. They have a white and cream color and are medium thick. It has small lamélulas of various sizes. These are bifurcated in the vicinity of the foot. The foot is attenuated towards the base and is hollow. When it is young it is stuffed with meat but it becomes hollow as it reaches adulthood. It undergoes a change in color to brown when rubbed and cut.

Finally, its flesh is white in color and with a pungent odor. It is quite thick and tough meat. It is weaker in the part of the foot and with the cut it quickly stains a yellow color. This makes it look like a toxic mushroom, although it is not.

Habitat and confusions of the We are a dairy farmer

This mushroom can be found in mycorrhiza with birch trees. It can also be found in other areas whose trees are hardwood. For example, there is a great abundance of this fungus around conifers. The season in which it usually develops is between summer and autumn. This depends on the rainfall and the humidity that can be retained at this time. If it grows in birch trees, it usually expects something more and develops between the months of August and September.

It is considered as an edible although it does not have much gastronomic quality. The some countries such as Russia and other Eastern European countries is quite appreciated. It is usually taken after marinating it in vinegar and salt. Since it can be confused with a toxic mushroom, it is not collected by those who love mushrooms. However, in case of confusion there is no danger.

Among the main confusions we can find with the Lactarius scrobiculatus, although it differs mainly in that this species is not viscous and has the margin of the woolly hat. Another species with which it is often confused is the Lactarius chrysorrheus. This species has a latex that turns towards sulfur yellow, although it has a hat with pinkish tones and the foot without alveoli. As you can see, most of the confusion of this mushroom is with species of the same genus.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the species We are a dairy farmer y Lactarius Vinosus.

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