
mushroom with beneficial properties

Today we are going to talk about a mushroom from China and traditional Japan and to which numerous benefits for human health are attributed. Its about maitake. It is a type of fungus that is used in the Asian continent since it is considered an adaptogen. An adaptogen is a compound that helps our immune system work better. In this case, it is a type of mushroom that helps our body be more resistant to the various attacks that may arise from various external pathogens.

In this article we are going to tell you about all the characteristics, properties and health benefits of maitake.

Key features


It is a type of mushroom from traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine. Not only does it help fight some pathogens, but it also prevents stress and fatigue. Since it is a type of fungus with many benefits for human health, it is widely studied as part of the metabolic syndrome. This is because it helps the human being to be able lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood glucose.

It comes from Asia and is originally from there. The scientific name is Grifola frondosa. The common name of Maitake is a Japanese name that means in Spanish mushroom to dance. It is thought that this name has been attributed to it since its fruiting is not very normal. And it is that when it begins to bear fruit it begins to acquire a form of dozens of flying butterflies or dancing nymphs. This name was also added because many people who found this fungus danced with joy for having found a cure. It was so rare to find that in Japanese herbalists it was exchanged for silver.

Maitake was very popular and differentiated and attempts were made to hide those who harvested it so as not to be attacked or looted. Since the 80s, this mushroom has been cultivated and can be found throughout the year. The main producer of Maitake is in Japan, although the Chinese and Americans have also produced it since 1990.

Habitat and development of the maitake

maitake mushroom

It is a mushroom that grows wild in North America, in temperate regions of northern Japan and Europe. If we want to obtain maitake naturally, we must know that harvested from summer to fall. It is a fungus that, due to its properties, is quite sensitive to weather conditions and the degree of humidity. It needs a high degree of humidity to be able to gather enough water to fruit and develop in good conditions.

Its natural habitat is especially at the foot of tree stumps that are dead a very old. They can be found mainly under the stumps of oak, beech, elm and chestnut trees. Regarding its appearance, it has a greyish brown color and it loses color more and more as it ages. You can recognize With the naked eye the age of a maitake looking at the degree of coloration it has. It is normal to compare it with a corral since it is quite similar.

When harvested and young it has a pleasant smell and a taste of mashed potatoes. It is not only famous for its medicinal properties, but it is also known for its gastronomic value. It is a good source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It can be consumed fresh or dry as well as in the form of a powder or liquid extract.. It is normal to find it packaged in capsules, tablets, bottles, etc.

Properties and effects of maitake

japanese mushroom

We are going to know now what are the main properties and effects that Maitake has on health. Traditional medicine has given a lot of information about this fungus during the last 30 years. Scientists intend to carry out all the necessary studies to get the most out of this fungus. Most of the studies have revealed incredible medicinal properties. Beta-glucan is nothing more than a sugar that is commonly found in mushrooms. However, the MD fraction of Maitake gives it injectable oral efficacy, whereas other mushrooms cannot.

This fungus can help regulate the immune system, as we mentioned at the beginning of the article. Most studies have shown a significant improvement in the immune system after interaction with maitake. The MD fraction of the Grifola frondosa es the one responsible for the pharmacological activity. Some live tests have been done on complex activity on the immune system. These tests have revealed an inhibitory activity in certain viruses such as herpes type I, hepatitis B, influenza, etc. This is due to the stimulus influence of certain factors that enhance the immune system.

In some tests, various conclusions were drawn, such as the following:

  • This mushroom helps activate various macrophages and lymphocytes that help fight foreign bodies such as viruses, bacteria, tumor cells ...
  • Stimulate natural killer cells which are responsible for destroying infected cells.

Therefore, it is extracted that this mushroom can be a good help for our immune system in an efficient way. Especially, It can help us to stimulate the function of the immune system in convalescence, immunosuppression and seasonal changes. Normally in these three points is when the immune system is weakest.

Other effects

Maitake has received a lot of research and other health defects have been discovered as well. One of them is an anti diabetic effect. It helps to lower the level of glucose in the blood due to an increase in the insulin sensitivity system on the part of the cells. They also act on the enzymes involved in the metabolism of the thing to increase its effectiveness.

Another of the effects that have been discovered is that it helps with the problems of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and obesity. It has been seen that It has antihypertensive, anti-cholesterol and anti-lipemic effects.

Some studies of maitake have suggested that it does not attack cancer cells directly but that it does induce apoptosis and limits angiogenesis.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about Maitake and its properties.

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