The meaning of daisies: what they symbolize and how to use them

meaning of daisies

If you have to choose a plant because it is charming, without a doubt this will be the daisy. Its appearance and also the legends and stories invented around this flower have made it a favorite of many people. They are a symbol of joy and invite us to smile with their shapes and colors, their simple but beautiful lines. We couldn't stay calm JardineriaOn without giving it a prominent place in our blog and, for this reason, we wanted to dive into the bowels of the species, looking for the meaning of daisies, what they symbolize and how to use them

Different cultures have succumbed to their charms and, we are sure, you will too after reading about them, if you don't already have them on your list of most beloved flowers. They have in their favor, in addition to the legends and symbolism, that they are very strong plants, so it will not be too much of a headache for you to grow them, to allow yourself to be flooded by their good vibes.

Daisies: origin and meaning

Not only in well-kept gardens, but daisies can be found in many wild places, even those that are somewhat neglected. They are like poppies, species capable of showing us that, despite the most adverse conditions, there is life and hope. Therefore, do not be surprised to find a daisy at the foot of any path. 

meaning of daisies

they have european origin, although due to the peculiarity of its resistance, its beauty and its symbology, many countries in the world have adopted the daisy as their own, also dedicating themselves to its cultivation. 

If you want to delve into their botanical origins, we will tell you that they belong to the Asteraceae family

Apart from beauty and friendliness, the daisy also has a beautiful interior, because it has medicinal properties that is worth knowing and, hence, different cultures throughout time have made use of it. 

The importance of the daisy was such that The Greeks related her to their goddess Artemis., who was the goddess of hunting but also of nature and in charge of watching over childbirth. While in the Middle Ages the daisy was a medicinal remedy very recurrent to treat different diseases. 

What do daisies symbolize?

Daisies are related to very positive values ​​such as purity and innocence, loyal love, renewal and hope. Why with these values ​​precisely? Let's see.

Daisies as a symbol of purity and innocence

meaning of daisies

It is the simple but elegant appearance of the flower that has made it considered a symbol of purity and innocence. He white of its petals, the bright yellow from its center and that incomparable simple and clean appearance that makes it so special. 

It is a very beloved flower to give gifts to children and young people, symbolizing their innocence and also to decorate ceremonies where purity is present, such as weddings, communions and baptisms. 

Daisies as a symbol of loyal love

The daisies are the symbol of true love, loyal and the one that lasts a lifetime. So, if you want to express your love to someone, but a strong and sincere love, there is no better way than giving them daisies. That is why, in wedding bouquets and in all wedding arrangements, in general, they are so common.

Daisies as a symbol of renewal and hope

The daisies symbolize renewal and hope. Every spring they bloom again, therefore, this flower is considered a symbol of beginnings and that, just when everything seems to be lost, spring and flowering appear, with its beautiful colors and its flowers full of life and optimism.

Thus, it is not uncommon to find daisies as favorite decorative elements when decorating various spaces, such as homes, children's rooms, nurseries, and to think about giving daisies when someone begins a new stage in their lives or moves to a new home. , For example.

How to use daisies

meaning of daisies

Knowing all the potential and daisy symbolismNow is the time to know how to use daisies to take advantage of all the advantages they offer us. There are many ways to use them. 

Brighten up outdoor and indoor spaces

For example, you can plant them to brighten your garden, terrace or roof. Although they also survive in partial shade areas, so you could even have them indoors in a pot, although it is true that they would benefit from receiving a few hours of sun. 

Daisies, given their resistance, have no problem living together with other plants, so you can combine several of them and get a space full of color. Try planting them together with lilies and bluebells and you will see what a beautiful landscape you get. 

Using daisies in decoration

With daisies you can create flower bouquets fantastic, but also various floral arrangements, for example, to place in a vase or as a centerpiece. They are ideal for creating a cozy space.

Another option is the flower crowns made with daisies. Perfect for a rustic style decoration or, simply, for a romantic style. This applies both to decorating a home or space, and to celebrating events. 

Daisies for medicinal use

We said it before and it is true, for years, daisies have been highly valued as a medicinal remedy. Can use daisies to relieve digestive disorders, skin problems, or take advantage of their anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties

Daisies to express feelings

Of course, we could not forget the main purpose, which is use daisies to express feelings. For example, to convey how much we care about a person or that we wish them the best in life. 

Be careful that the daisy is not only for romantic love or as a couple, but it also serves to transmit to others a feeling of sincere and unconditional friendship to our friends. 

This is the meaning of daisies, so now you know what they symbolize and how to use them to your advantage or to decorate spaces, transmit sincere and beautiful emotions and feelings full of optimism. Furthermore, the daisies are very easy to grow

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