8 most common mistakes that can ruin your hydrangeas and how to fix them


Hydrangeas are large, colorful, versatile flowers that can be a great addition to any garden or landscape. However, There are common mistakes that can ruin them and hinder their growth.

In order to avoid the most common problems such as yellow leaves, lack of flowers or poor growth that can ruin the garden, We have to investigate what we can do so that they grow properly, and provide all the color and joy to the garden.
In this article we will talk about those errors and tell you how to fix them.

Unsuitable temperature conditions


Hydrangeas thrive in various temperature conditions and even They can survive in colder areas. However, they do best in areas that have cool winters and warmer summers.

If you live in a region where it is not very cold, you may need to take additional measures to provide the correct temperature conditions. To solve this problem, try to avoid the hot afternoon sun, and provide some shade if possible.

You have to keep in mind that if hydrangeas receive too much sun, the leaves will wither and burn. The flowers may also wilt and turn brown.
If you have had this problem, the best solution is to transplant it to a place that has a little more shade, to minimize stress on your plant.

Expose them to the shade

If you expose the plant to too much shade it will not flower. It needs 4 hours of sun in the morning and some shade throughout the day.
Therefore, it is not advisable plant it directly under a tree because it usually has too much shade and the roots will compete with those of the tree for nutrients and water.

If it is in a place in the garden with too much shade it will have weak stems They will bend very easily and will not produce flowers. In this case you need to place it in another place in the garden where it receives sunlight.

Poor irrigation conditions

It is important to remember that hydrangeas are water-loving plants. They need a lot of water, especially during the warmest months of the year.

If you do not provide enough water, the leaves will begin to fall and eventually turn yellow or brown. To solve this problem, Water hydrangeas regularly and make sure the soil does not dry out.

A very important detail when watering them is that you aim the water at the soil under the flowers, instead of at the leaves. Wetting foliage can spread diseases that cause problems for the leaves, especially if the plant is in the shade.

Bad drainage

Un poorly drained soil can cause irreparable problems in these flowers. Let's keep in mind that if water stagnates for a long time in the ground The oxygen available to their roots is reduced, it is something they need to survive.

As a consequence, the regressive death of the roots and the gradual development of root rot begins.
If the soil in which you have planted the hydrangeas has poor drainage, The ideal is to grow them in a pot. Of course you should make sure it has good drainage holes.

Not pruning correctly


One of the most common mistakes gardeners make when caring for their hydrangeas is not pruning them correctly. You should prune them minimally to avoid cutting off growth for the following year.

If you prune them too much, you will cut off the shoots that will bloom next year. When pruning make sure to do it in late winter or early spring, when the plant is dormant.

It is very important to eliminate weeds from the beds the moment you see them appear so that they do not compete for water and nutrients.

Additionally, weeds can have problems with pests and diseases. It is ideal to keep the soil covered with a layer of mulch which creates a barrier to minimize weed growth.

Using fertilizer incorrectly

Another common mistake that can ruin your hydrangeas is not using the right type of fertilizer. Hydrangeas need a balanced fertilizer to obtain the nutrients they need to flourish. A balanced fertilizer will help keep the plant healthy, and also produce the most beautiful blooms.

If you use fertilizer, it is important not to abuse it since excess nitrogen will stimulate the growth of leaves, but few flowers. The ideal is to use a slow release fertilizer or manure application, which will feed the plant gradually throughout the year.

Leave pests and diseases uncontrolled

Hydrangeas can be susceptible to a number of pests and diseases. Some of the most common pests that can affect hydrangeas are aphids, mites, beetles and slugs.

To solve this problem, you can pick up the beetles by hand and spray the bushes with a strong stream of cold water to reduce mite and aphid populations.

Be sure to monitor your plants regularly and take action as soon as you spot a problem. You can use a natural or chemical pest control product to get rid of the problem.

Try to change their colors


The only hydrangeas that can change color depending on the pH of the soil They are the varieties that have pink or blue flowers, which are large-leaf and mountain hydrangeas.

In the case of wanting get blue hydrangeas you have to add aluminum sulfate to the soil to lower the pH, and to get pink flowers add garden lime to increase the pH.

However, wanting to balance the pH It will not have any effect on the color of the flowers of other hydrangea species., nor about those with white flowers. Therefore, all attempts will be in vain and will lead to frustration.

Hydrangeas are beautiful, very versatile flowers that can add beauty and color to any garden or landscape. However, there are common mistakes that can ruin your hydrangeas and hinder their growth.

It is important to be aware of these errors and take steps to fix them. By putting the advice in this article into practice, you will help your hydrangeas stay healthy and alive.

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