How to plan a garden from scratch

How to plan a garden from scratch

You have finally made your dream of having a house with enough outdoor land to enjoy a beautiful garden come true. But to finish fulfilling your aspirations you first need design, planting and care work. To help you achieve this, we are going to explain how to plan a garden from scratch.

Enjoy the experience and dedicate the time necessary, because good planning is the true secret to enjoying a garden full of life.

Steps to plan a garden from scratch

Steps to plan a garden from scratch

You have a task ahead of you that, although difficult, is also exciting and rewarding, so get ready to face the challenge of creating a spectacular green space.

Space evaluation

The first thing you have to do is carefully analyze the space you have available. Measure the outdoor area of ​​your home and determine how much space you are going to dedicate to the garden, because you may want to leave some area free of plants to create a rest area. Make a small sketch and write down the dimensions.

Next, pay attention to the orientation of the garden, because this will determine the amount of sunlight it receives each day.

Take advantage of the sketch you have made and highlight in it the areas that receive the most sun and those that receive the most shade. All this information will help you later choose which plants to put in each site.

Next, look closely at the terrain to identify any slopes or obstacles such as rocks or plant roots that have been there before. Rate if It will be necessary to clean and/or flatten the land. If so, this is the first thing you'll need to work on.

Assessment of soil conditions

The next thing you need to do when planning a garden is to know the soil conditions. With a home analysis kit you can quickly know your pH level. This is important, because it will greatly influence the development of the plants.

Use feel to determine if you are dealing with sandy, clay or silty soil, and do a drainage test. To do this, dig a hole and fill it with water, if it drains quickly you are lucky to have well-draining soil. If that is not the case, You are going to have to improve drainage by adding elements such as coconut fiber, perlite or sand.

Pay attention to the weather

It is important that you know the climate of the area to be able to select plants that thrive in that climate. Additionally, evaluate if there are small microclimates within your own garden, such as areas that receive more sun or areas that are more protected from the wind.

Define the purpose and style for planning a garden

Structural elements

Once you know the soil and climate conditions, it is time to start thinking about your future garden. In this phase you have to decide what its purpose will be and who will be its main users. For example, Will it only be decorative or will it also have practical functionality? Will children or pets play there?

Once the purpose is defined you can think about the style you want for your garden. It can be a classic, minimalist, rock garden, etc. Look for inspiration and collect images of what you like.

garden design

At this point, you can start working on the design itself. Grab a pencil and paper, or use a garden design software program, and start by making a sketch of the area where you are going to create the green area.

Now, select the plants that best adapt to the light conditions, soil and climate of your garden. This is important, because guarantees that maintenance will be easier and your plants will live longer.

To the extent possible, select varieties that add visual interest and biodiversity. Combine plants of different heights, colors and textures, even those that bloom at different times of the year.

Structural elements

The garden is much more than a green area, so don't forget to include paths or paths in the design that facilitate access to the different areas. And you can't miss a living area where you can relax and enjoy the garden. It could be a large porch or a small bench in the shade of a tree., it all depends on your tastes and the space you have available.

If you want to create an even more calm and attractive environment, consider adding some water features such as a small fountain or pond.

What you cannot forget is lighting, which is essential to allow night use of the garden and to highlight its features.

Soil preparation

After planning a garden off plan, It's time to get your hands dirty. It's time to prepare the soil. To do this you have to carry out different tasks:

Soil improvement

  • Organic amendments. Add some compost or manure to improve soil structure and fertility.
  • pH correction. If necessary, add lime for acidic soils or sulfur for alkaline soils.

Tillage and leveling

Till the soil to loosen it and achieve better aeration. This will make planting easier and increase the chances of success of the plants settling well in their new home.
If necessary, level the soil to ensure good drainage.


The next step will turn the empty land into a spectacular garden. To achieve this, keep these tips in mind:

  • Prepare a planting calendar for each species.
  • Space plants appropriately to allow for healthy growth.
  • Make appropriate holes for each plant, which will usually be twice the size of the root ball.
  • Put each plant in its place and cover the hole with soil, pressing lightly to eliminate any air pockets that may have formed.
  • Water carefully to settle the soil around the plants.



You already have your dream garden, now you must make sure to do good maintenance and care of the plants, dosing both irrigation and fertilization well. Without forgetting about pruning and Do a regular check to verify that there are no pests or diseases.

Planning a garden is an exciting project. If you have the opportunity to do it, don't pass it up.

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