There are very few species of chanterelles or mushrooms that may contain some type of poison, however, it is essential to know which of these species can become poisonous, since in this way, we can prevent possible poisoning and in more extreme cases even death.
What are the most poisonous chanterelles or mushrooms?
The most poisonous chanterelles and those to be most careful with are these:
- Fly agaric.
- Amanita phalloides.
- Russula emetic.
- Lactarius torminosus.
- Boletus satan.
It is vitally important that we bear in mind that we should never eat any chanterelle without first having correctly identified it, since This can cause serious problems for our bodies.
When a case of mushroom poisoning occurs, the first thing to do as soon as the first symptoms begin to appear, is going to a hospital. It is important to take with us the mushroom that we ate or at least part of it, since this will be of great help to the doctor, when giving us the most appropriate diagnosis.
Fly agaric or fly swatter
This mushroom It is known by the name of fly swatter, since it has the ability to immobilize some insects that sometimes get too close to it, that is precisely why it is known by that name.
Like the previous mushroom, this one can grow almost anywhere. The venom of this amanita has neurotoxic effects It can cause serious damage, however, it is not fatal. It also has some hallucinogenic characteristics.
Its symptoms include colic and vomiting. These signs appear after two hours of having consumed the fly agaric.
Amanita phalloides or death fungus
La amanita phalloides, death fungus or green hemlock As it is also known, it is one of the most dangerous mushrooms that can be found in Spain, and is also responsible for the vast majority of cases of poisoning by consumption of mushrooms.
The amanita has such a powerful poison that can kill a person just by eating just one of these mushrooms. This species of amanitas can grow in any forest between the months of September and February.
This chanterelle has a poison so lethal that destroys cells found in the central nervous system, being able to reach the liver, damaging them completely. In general, the effects of this poison usually manifest after the first 6 and 12 hours of consumption of this mushroom.
In most cases, the most common symptoms are nausea accompanied by severe vomiting, bloody diarrhea and colic. After these symptoms appear, it is possible that there are already damaged organs, this is why it is vitally important to go to the doctor urgently.
Russula eética or Rusula eética
Russula usually can be found in damp, mossy areas. This chanterelle causes gastrointestinal problems for short periods, on average, about two hours after ingesting it.
It only becomes poisonous if eaten in very large quantities.
Lactarius torminosus or false chanterelle
This chanterelle is the slightest among the poisonous, its venom only produces some problems between the stomach and intestines. Symptoms appear after 15 minutes to 3 hours have elapsed.
Boletus satanas or satan ticket
Although its name can be very scary, the boletus satanas it is one of the largest mushrooms and at the same time one of the most harmless mushrooms on this list. In ancient times they had the belief that this chanterelle was deadly, however it is not, it only causes a small toxicity.
It is common to find them near the roots of oaks, beech and holm oaks. It is usually something quite strange, but sometimes they can grow in the same places, especially in areas that have a medium height or high in the lower lands.
The venom of this chanterelle is extremely harmful, especially if eaten completely raw; cooked causes indigestion. It causes gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and vomiting that usually appear just a few minutes after ingesting them.
The chanterelles are not poisonous, although it is true that the false chanterelles are toxic (not fatal), the deadly mushrooms have nothing to do with the chanterelles, the most deadly are from the amanita family that hatch from an egg and are normally white. (not all), but the statement is wrong, they are not poisonous NISCALOS, they are poisonous MUSHROOMS