When one goes to the field for an excursion or is going to collect mushrooms, one must be very attentive to certain indicators that will tell us whether the mushroom in question is poisonous or not. There are many species of poisonous mushrooms in the world that can lead the person who ingests it to death. That is why it is vitally important to be very careful with what type of mushrooms we are handling.
In order to know if a mushroom is poisonous or not, we must first analyze it well and from there, know what type of mushroom it is and what degree of toxicity it has. Do you want to know how to identify poisonous mushrooms and which are the most poisonous mushrooms in Spain?
How to know if a mushroom is poisonous or not
The first thing is to analyze the mushroom that we have in hand. Many times it is better not to take them due to possible later contagion. To know if a mushroom is poisonous or not, we have to look at:
- The type of hymenium you have. The hymenium is the fertile part of the mushroom in which the sexual spores to be used to reproduce are formed. This hymenium can be of different forms and, depending on the type, we will be able to know if it is poisonous or not. This hymenium can be in the form of sheets, separable tubes, folds, and stingers. Among these mentioned forms, the poisonous and most dangerous mushrooms usually present the hymenium in the form of sheets. This does not mean that all mushrooms that have a sheet-shaped hymenium are poisonous, but it is the first indicator of this.
- The way the meat breaks. When we take the mushroom and break it, different structures can be observed. They can be fibrous in structure (similar to wood) or with a grainy break (similar to chalk). Most mushrooms that are poisonous tend to break down into fibrous structures. It is the same as the above, it does not mean that all mushrooms with a fibrous structure are going to be poisonous.
- The color of the spores. When we look at the sheets of the hymenium we have to realize what color they are. There are many colors but almost always synthesizing the four basic colors: white, pink, brown and black. If the sheets of the hymenium are brown and pink in color, it is very likely that the mushroom is toxic or simply does not have any gastronomic interest.
- Inserting the blades. As I mentioned before, the first indicator is whether the hymenium of the mushroom is sheet-shaped. If the sheet is pink or brown and now, we have to see the way in which the sheets reach the foot of the mushroom. This is important when distinguishing them. Some of them go down to the bottom of the foot and some go up to the top of the foot.
- Rest of veils. The veils of mushrooms can be reflected in different ways. They can take the form of volva at the base of the foot, warts on the hat, ring or curtain shape on the foot. The most poisonous are usually the ring, volva and wart. For example, we find the Amanita phalloides, the most dangerous mushroom that we can find in Navarra.
What to do when you want to pick mushrooms?
It is important to be well prepared when we go to pick mushrooms and, above all, to be alert so as not to make mistakes and get intoxicated. It is very useful to carry a basket with us that is permeable to be able to transport the mushrooms. This is important because we get the mushrooms to be aerated and in this way, they cannot spread.
When we start our collection and we have some mushrooms already in the basket and we find one of which we have doubts, it is better not to throw them into the basket, since it could contaminate the rest and cause intoxication when consuming the others. We must use a knife, but do not cut the base as it can serve as an indicator of the degree of toxicity. If we cut the mushrooms from the base, we will lose those indicators that cannot tell if they are poisonous or not. We must also avoid taking those mushrooms that are not yet well developed since it is better to let them become adults and reproduce. If we want to carry out a sustainable harvest, we must apply the same action as with the fish.
Most poisonous mushrooms in Spain
In Spain there are numerous species of poisonous mushrooms. We are going to focus on the most widespread and famous.
Amanita phalloides
This mushroom can be recognized because it has the green hemlock. Its toxicity is quite high because it is the main responsible for research cases in our country. The poison is very toxic and it can cause death after eating a single specimen.
This mushroom grows throughout the mycological season, which is usually between the months of September to February. In addition, its area of distribution includes all types of forests throughout the peninsula, both on the coast and in the mountains.
The venom of this mushroom attacks the cells of the central nervous system, liver or muscles, destroying them. Once ingested we have between six and twelve hours for its effect to begin. The most frequent symptoms that we can have after ingesting it are nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, colic ... The important thing about this poison is that when these symptoms appear it is because some organs have already been damaged, therefore it is crucial for the survival of the person to go to a hospital as soon as possible.
Amanita muscaria
This mushroom is known as the fly swatter since it has the ability to paralyze the insects that come into contact with it. It is a fairly striking mushroom with a strong color, so it must already indicate that it is not edible. In nature, poisonous animals and plants tend to be more conspicuous so that predators do not even try to hunt them down, since, although in the case in which they can survive from an ambush thanks to their venom, they will receive damage from the predator. .
That is why, in itself, it is better stay away from the flashy mushrooms. This mushroom grows in very varied environments and at all heights. It is associated with the roots of trees that are usually beech, black pine or birch. They begin to appear in late summer and early autumn in our country.
As for its venom, we have to say that it is mainly neurotoxic with quite serious consequences, but it does not have to cause death. They also have hallucinogenic properties and tend to attack the intestine and liver. Symptoms appear within two hours after ingestion and are usually gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and colic.
Boletus satanas
This mushroom has quite large dimensions although it is not too toxic as its name suggests. It usually grows in the clearings of the forests next to the roots of the holm oaks, beech and oaks. It is not usually very common but it always usually grows in the same areas. These areas are usually in the middle of the mountains or in the highest part of the lower lands.
The poison of this mushroom is much more toxic if eaten raw. If it is taken cooked, it is toxic but much milder. It produces gastrointestinal disorders with vomiting and diarrhea, which appear shortly after consumption.
Its toxicity is quite low, since only causes minor gastrointestinal disorders. It grows near birch trees and its symptoms occur between 15 minutes and 3 hours after consuming them.
These mushrooms are less common and grow in deciduous forests or pine forests. These are easy to identify with the naked eye, so it is difficult to confuse them with species that are not edible. It is easy to identify them because they don't taste good. They are quite toxic and very frequently fatal. Its symptoms appear days after consumption, even weeks. They cause tiredness, intense thirst and dry mouth, loss of appetite, headache, and kidney and liver problems.
Russula emetic
This mushroom is found in the most humid and moss-rich forest areas. It is widespread throughout Spain and is morphologically very varied. If they are consumed, cause mild gastroenteric disturbances in a short period of time, from half an hour to two hours, after consumption. It is toxic only in large quantities and a single specimen, cooked with other species, is harmless.
Edible mushrooms in Spain
To further help identify poisonous mushrooms, I am going to tell you which mushrooms can be eaten: boletus, mushrooms, chanterelles or chanterelle are some of the mushrooms that are edible, more widespread and collected in Spain. They are often used in the kitchen to make incredibly rich dishes as they have delicate flavors and sweet smells.
With these guidelines we can make a good collection without getting intoxicated by mistake. You have to think that it is important to be attentive to all species of mushrooms since our life could depend on it.
Do you know more mushrooms that we have to add to the list? Do not hesitate to leave a comment !!!