Psilocybe semilanceata

Psychological effects

Today we are going to talk about a type of hallucinogenic mushroom that has the common name of Mongui, a San Juan mushroom. Its scientific name is Psilocybe semilanceata and belongs to the Strophariaceae family. One of its main characteristics is to exert a hallucinogenic effect after consumption. This is because it has psychoactive compounds known as psilocin and psilocybin.

In this article we are going to tell you about all the characteristics, habitats and properties of the Psilocybe semilanceata.

Key features

Psilocybe semilanceata hat

It is a type of mushroom that is well known by the Mongui name and one of its characteristics is that it is 2-5 centimeters in size. His hat has a conical appearance with a flared shape and a teat-shaped apex. Unlike other fungi, it does not have a ring in the middle of the foot and it has smooth spores.

It is used mainly for its psychoactive compounds that they generate a hallucinogenic effect in the body after ingestion. It can be inferred both raw and cooked. And is that one of the effects is the alteration in the perception of time and space that can cause various episodes of paranoia or temporary persecution mania. It is usually found above 600 meters in grasslands of any continent. It is one of the species of this genus with the largest distribution worldwide.

It has a saprotrophic type of nutrition. The active principles of this mushroom are illegal for sale worldwide. However, the commercialization of the fungus both dry and in spores is allowed.

The coloration of this type of fungus changes depending on the state of hydration that they have at each moment. If it is well hydrated and fresh it will have a color from ocher to dark brown. On the other hand, if the fungus is drier it acquires a paler appearance. Hat diameter it varies between 0.5 and 2 cm and the edges are slightly curved in young specimens. In those mushrooms that are already older, we see that the edges of the hat are straight or slightly wrapped up.

The textured surface of this mushroom is sticky in consistency due to a thin sheet with a gelatinous texture called a film. It has between 15 and 27 thin sheets that are pale brown in color and gradually turn dark gray to brown. and purple when the spores mature.

As for the foot, it has a diameter of only 2 to 3mm and a height of 4 to 10 cm. Its consistency is fibrous and its color is cream, sometimes turning blue towards the base. As we mentioned before, it lacks a ring.

Habitat and distribution of Psilocybe semilanceata

Psilocybe semilanceata

It is a species of fungus that inhabits the prairies a a height of 600 meters with respect to sea level and in those soils with acid pH. They can also grow in some pastures that have been fertilized with sheep or cow manure. You can find it developing both alone and in groups.

Its large area of ​​distribution is due to the fact that it extends almost all over the world. However, there are areas where it is more abundant than in others. It can be found in greater abundance in the northern hemisphere. In Europe, Asia, North America is where there are more and South America and Australia where less.

The reproduction that this fungus has is typical of the Agaricales. It is of a heterothalic sexual type since germinating spores originate a species of haploid hyphae. Hyphae must be distinct and sexually compatible in order to meet and fuse to produce a dikaryote. It is then when the fungus develops into fruiting bodies in the basidia, spores are formed.

Chemical composition

The Psilocybe semilanceata has several alkaloids present is that they are psilocybin, psilocin and baeocystin. The alkaloids have psychoactive effects on the body after consumption. Baeocystin there is not much information on the effects it can cause on health. However, psilocybin is known to be the most abundant component of this mushroom and is the most stable. Psilocin is the alkaloid with psychoactive effects on the person.

The content of these alkaloids can vary between specimens, although they tend to range from 6 to 10 milligrams for each gram of dried mushroom. As we have mentioned before, the commercialization of these alkaloids is prohibited worldwide. Nevertheless, selling the dried mushrooms or spores is still allowed. The current trend is trying to divert to a complete ban on the commercialization of these mushrooms, since they are products that can seriously affect human health. Let's see what those effects are.

Effects of consumption of Psilocybe semilanceata

Consuming this hallucinogenic mushroom can cause various effects on the person. The effects are similar to those produced by some hallucinogens such as LSD and mescaline. When this mushroom is consumed, the first effects usually appear more or less in the first half hour. The maximum effects are felt between an hour and an hour and a half after ingestion, ceasing to be perceived at approximately 6 hours.

The physical effects on the person are not very significant. You can only analyze how the pupils dilate and in some cases nausea, vomiting and diarrhea occur. These latter effects are much less frequent. What can be seen more easily are tremors, dizziness, muscle aches, among others. Although it cannot be seen with the naked eye it also increases blood pressure and heart rate.

With regard to the psychological effects they are much more significant. One of the worst effects is the appeal of sensory perception. The strip of space and time is not well known and this can lead to profound changes in the knowledge of the person's consciousness. These sensory alterations can cause the individual to see visions of colors when closing the eyes, visual distortions, sensation of seeing sounds or movements that resist, etc. They also experienced an increase in hearing level. It can cause terror, a feeling of dying or going crazy. Its consumption is not recommended at all.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the Psilocybe semilanceata.

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