Secrets to having an Alpine Violet all year round

Alpine violet flowers

As I have told you on some other occasion, the Alpine Violet o Cyclamen persicum It is a plant that I love and I enjoy watching it grow. It is noble and resistant, with the strange virtue that it is one of the few plants whose flowers remain standing during the cold season. Having an Alpine violet all year round is a tricky thing. While the optimal temperature for this plant is between 15 and 20 degrees CelsiusIt has a great tolerance to cold and the most resistant specimens can even give small flowers even if they grow in the snow. That is why its name is associated with the mountainous climate of the Alps.

Therefore, we are going to dedicate this article to tell you everything you need to know to be able to maintain your Alpine violet throughout the year.

If you want to have cyclamen or Alpine violet plants before anyone else, buy seeds from here.

Key features

alpine violet all year round

To learn and know how to maintain alpine violet throughout the year we must know its characteristics very well. Its flowering begins in early spring when weather conditions become somewhat more favorable. Thanks to the rising temperatures, the flowering months can begin. The flowers can be white and some shades of pink reaching deep purple. This plant is also known for its aromatic characteristics. Keep in mind that the average size is usually about 30-40 centimeters in length.

Among other characteristics of the Alpine violet we find its leaves that begin to appear from the autumn cover. They have a rounded figure that simulates the shape of a heart. Its edges are smooth and slightly toothed. In order to sow the Alpine violet we have to obtain the seeds. They are easy to acquire in any specialized gardening store or they can be obtained from a plant that you already have previously.

In order to obtain the best results, we cannot sow these seeds at any time of the year. You have to wait specifically for the fall season. The seeds can grow in better conditions when temperatures are around 13-17 degrees. Another of the considerations that is recommended regarding the care of the seeds is that they should be located in the shade avoiding all direct sunlight. Once we have sown the seeds, we must know what care is needed to have the Alpine violet throughout the year.

Where to buy?

Would you like to have one at home or in the garden? Click here:

Caring for the Alpine violet

care for the alpine violet throughout the year

We are going to divide the different care that is necessary to be able to have the Alpine violet throughout the year into parts:

Temperature and irrigation

The temperature is one of the fundamental factors so that the violent of the Alps can grow in good conditions. It is established as an optimal temperature range for this plant between 15 and 20 degrees. In this way, although this plant has a certain tolerance for cold climates, it is one of the few that can tolerate snow and still flourish. Its common name is associated with the climatic conditions that the plant usually inhabits.

Regarding irrigation, it is necessary to take into account when environmental conditions change to modify the irrigation pattern. The plant is developed by bulbs and is the only way to guarantee the vitality of the plant. The bulbs must be watered by completely filling the soil. Ideally, avoid direct water contact with the bulb. The most advisable thing is to place the plant in a pot and place water at the base of the pot so that it can use the water it needs.

Lighting and pruning

Another recommended care is that it has good lighting. It should be avoided that it receives direct sunlight. And it is that direct sunlight can damage leaves and flowers. If it is grown in home gardens, it is necessary to place it in a place where it has enough light but without direct sunlight.

One of the most demanding maintenance tasks for the Alpine violet is pruning. It is one of the fundamental factors to be able to have the violet of the Alps throughout the year. You have to know when to remove wilted flowers and leaves. Those that are in poor condition or old must be removed. In order to remove dead parts correctly each piece must be torn off right at the insertion point located on the bulb with anvil scissors, which you can buy here.

Violet of the Alps all year round: what you need to know

cyclamen persicum

To have this plant I think it is necessary to know some of its characteristics because otherwise you may fall into some anxiety when, when the summer season arrives, the plant seems to fall into disgrace.

It is not that, it is simply a rest period that we could associate with a hibernation state. One of the most outstanding characteristics of this species is that remains in a dormant state during the hot and dry season to later sprout when the coldest and rainiest days begin.

For the moment my Violeta de los Alpes looks very pretty on the table on my terrace but in a while I will have to preserve it from the extreme heat of summer. The best thing in these cases is to appeal to a very simple resource: simply turn the pot over, since we are talking about a bulbous plant can remain alive but dormant during the warm season. In that period, it is not even necessary to water it, just place it in a place protected from the sun, although in the open air and turn it over. A very simple trick that will help its preservation.

Another curious fact of the Violet of the Alpes is that you can tell when it is a new specimen just by looking at its flowers because as time passes the flowers tend to be smaller.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about how to maintain the violet of the Alps throughout the year.