The best tricks to collect mushrooms

basket with mushrooms

Picking mushrooms is easy, but only if you know how and where to pick them. It is not worth going anywhere to collect them and destroy everything. Every season it is heard on television that some people die from recklessly ingesting these mushrooms. They are usually inexperienced people, or people who have not reviewed what they have knowledge or are arrogant. Here we are going to show you the best tricks to collect mushrooms correctly and take advantage of this very pleasant activity.

In this article we are going to tell you which are the best tricks to collect mushrooms.

Mushroom season

the best tricks to collect mushrooms in the field

Now is the season for mushrooms and the fields are full of people who do not know these to collect them. You have to take into account some aspects such as rain. This year it has rained much less and the dry seasons are bad for mushroom picking. Because mushrooms need a lot of moisture, It is interesting to look for the places with a north orientation. As there has been little rain, the current rains make it more difficult for the mushrooms to sprout since it is already too cold.

Many people think that the field belongs to everyone and that it is in the open door you can pass a wall, it is low you can jump. This is not like this. There are numerous livestock farms that use walls and fences so that the animals do not go out on the road. Saltar a wall implies invading a land that is not yours. It could be compared to the people who enter your house. It is as if you enter someone else's house.

The best tricks to collect mushrooms

the best tricks to collect mushrooms

The first thing to consider is the equipment. You have to take a party, a knife and be well equipped with mountain clothes and shoes. If you have a cane much better. The cane will help you to hold on better in the steepest areas.

The razor will help you cut the mushrooms from the ground, if you have a razor with a brush at one end it is even better because it can help you remove the dirt that it may carry. The baskets are used for transportation, because the plastic bags will ferment or rot the mushrooms, so you may be intoxicated.

Before entering a field, ask permission. You can go to the village bar and tell the elders where the field is. If you find it, ask for permission to enter. Many people do not care if you go in, as long as you respect what is there and do not litter.

It is better to go to a public mountain. Nobody can tell you anything, if you can't find the owner of the field, you can find the mushrooms. You can also find them on any trail in the area, if few people travel, you can put your boots on.

Having a mushroom guide is not enough. This is not the case, because there are thousands of species that will confuse you as they can be very similar. So you better have a dedicated tour guide to accompany you. Don't experiment on your own or you will end up in the hospital.

Don't make generalizations. There are many people who collect everything. More importantly on a mycological route, we find more people ramming the mountain. This is a danger, just take the edible.

Collection rules of conduct

collect mushrooms

To be able to enjoy a mushroom picking you have to be civilized people. An important aspect to take into account are the rules of conduct when collecting mushrooms. Don't kick them. If the mushroom is inedible or fatal, don't kick it. This fungus plays a role in the ecosystem and you have to leave it. By stepping on it, you will not save anyone's life. What's more, biologists collect various mushrooms for research, so let them provide them with convenience rather than destroying their work.

You do not have to destroy everything. You have to be supportive, you don't have to fill 20 full baskets, a full basket is enough for 4 people. There will be more mushrooms in a week, and if we don't let them rest, we won't give the mushrooms time to recover.

Pay attention to the professionals. If you go on an excursion and pick mushrooms, do not go too much, because you can end up in a hospital.

Whenever you complete a mycology route, ask for a second opinion. Go to the village bar and ask if any toxic specimen has entered the basket that they surely know. They are usually experts in how to make them and they will definitely give you great cooking recipes.

Beware of unknown mushrooms

If you are not familiar with mushrooms, it is important that you ask an expert to accompany you, because although there are not many poisonous varieties, some of them are edible, so we should not trust ourselves.

To identify a mushroom, it is important to look at its appearance, including the exterior and legs, to see if it has a ring, to identify the bottom of your hat, and even perform a microscopic examination. A knife and a good magnifying glass help identify different species.

In the past, mushroom picking used to be taken to the town's Peones Camineros, who inspected, sorted, and removed poisonous ones for free. Now that this service is no more, it is best to proceed with caution, not exceed the service with which we are familiar, and then visit an expert, a trusted fruit supplier or someone who can advise us.

In addition to the small number of poisonous mushrooms, there are other varieties that are edible, but do not have much nutritional interest. These can be consumed without problems, but they hardly add flavor, texture or aroma to the dishes. Then there are the edible mushrooms that we are very interested in. We can find many different varieties and qualities.

Cut or pluck mushrooms?

In order not to damage the underground part of the fungus, it is always recommended to provide a knife to cut the foot instead of tearing it off, which can damage the underground mycelium and prevent it from growing again. However, some varieties of mushrooms are different from other similar mushrooms in that when removed, they will come out whole and will not tear, so plucking may be recommended in some cases.

Respect for the environment is very important. All fungi have their own functions, and the most fundamental thing is to transform the forest while respecting the environment by decomposing the forest. Even the mushrooms that we do not want are important, we must leave those mushrooms that are not going to be caught, and not step on them or remove them.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the best tricks to collect mushrooms.

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