Tricholoma pardinum

Today we are going to talk about a type of mushroom considered one of the 20 most important toxic mushrooms in Spain. It's about the Tricholoma pardinum. This mushroom is known by the common name of Brown Tricholoma and has great toxic characteristics. It has been considered one of the most dangerous among all those belonging to this group.

Therefore, we are going to dedicate this article to tell you all the habitat characteristics and possible confusions of the Tricholoma pardinum.

Key features

Hat and foils

Keep in mind that when faced with a mushroom with such toxicity, you have to be very careful when collecting. The problem is that there can be confusion that makes you collect this mushroom instead of another of the Tricholoma genus. There are numerous species of this genus that they are edible and quite in demand in gastronomy. However, if you are inexperienced in collecting mushrooms, it may be interesting that you go to someone with more experience or, in case of doubt, not collect the mushroom.

It is important to know all the characteristics of a mushroom and the small differences that may exist between them in order to classify them correctly. In this way, we minimize the risk of making mistakes when collecting. We are going to begin to describe this mushroom to learn more about its appearance both on the outside and on the inside.

He has a hat that can be 15 centimeters in diameter. This makes it a fairly large hat compared to other mushrooms in the same group. This hat has shades between silver brown or grayish. These colors are depending on the age and maturity in which it is. When this specimen develops and reaches the adult stage, we can see that it has a very small mamelon in the center. We can use this small mamelon in the center as a differentiating characteristic of this species with respect to another.

When the specimens of the Tricholoma pardinum they are young have the brim of the hat bent The surface of said hat has some scales arranged like tiles. Between the mamelon in the center and the scales on the surface, we can distinguish this hat from other species of the Tricholoma group.

Its blades are quite clear white, although sometimes we can find them in a yellowish color. It has a more sinuous and low-cut shape and they are tight between them. A differentiating feature of the sheets is that they have a variable length. These are usually all sheets that are uniform in size and tightly packed together. In this case, we find sheets of variable length between them. The spore, where the spores develop, is white.

Pie and meat

As for the foot, it has a white color with shades of ocher and a stormy and fibrous surface. When it is said to have a stormy surface it is that it has some darker green colors. It can measure between 8 and 10 centimeters in height and about 2.5 centimeters in diameter. This makes it more or less in good proportion to the hat and its size. The meat of the foot is white or grayish in color, depending on the specimen and has a mealy smell. This mealy smell must also be taken as a type of main difference between this species and others of the same genus.

Lastly, its flesh is white in color and it also has a floury smell with a mild taste. Although the taste is mild, we cannot allow ourselves to get confused with this species as it has high toxicity. Later we will analyze its consequences.

Habitat of the Tricholoma pardinum

Tricholoma pardinum hat

Its habitat is in coniferous and mixed forests. In order for them to develop correctly, they need a large amount of humidity and tend to grow in groups. We can also see them grow alone although they are far from each other. Mainly, they are found in a mountainous habitat with more humid characteristics.

The time of growth and development is during the fall. Depending on the rainfall that has occurred in the summer and the temperatures, it can develop sooner or later. If the summer has had milder temperatures and high rainfall, we can start to see it almost in late summer and early fall. On the other hand, if the rains take longer to arrive and the temperatures are higher (as it happens every year), it can cause their late growth.

It is a fairly toxic immortal mushroom if consumed. Therefore, it is necessary to know a lot about its morphology and possible consequences. The negative effects on health after consuming this mushroom are the following: first it starts with stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. Later, it ends up reducing the ability to breathe until, finally, it causes death.

Confusions of the Tricholoma pardinum

Tricholoma pardinum

We are going to know the main species of mushrooms that can cause some confusion when collecting this mushroom. Almost all or all are from the same group. The first one is the tricholoma terreum. The main difference with this mushroom is that it is smaller and does not have the scales on the hat. As we have mentioned before, both the mamelon in the center of the hat and the scales can serve as differentiating characteristics between species.

Another possible confusion is the Tricholoma portentosum. It is another of the mushrooms of the same group that can lead to some very frequent confusion. The main difference also occurs with the scales of the hat. And it is that these scales located on the hat of both adult and young specimens can help differentiate the mushroom from the rest.

It is known that many mushrooms change their morphology as they develop. In order not to make a mistake with the collection of this mushroom, it is important to know all the aspects that it has during its life cycle.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the mushroom Tricholoma pardinum.

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