Jade tree: the best varieties, tips and tricks for growing it

potted jade tree

If you want to know more about him jade tree, varieties, tips and tricks to grow healthy and beautiful, you have come to the right place. We are going to tell you everything you need to know about this type of succulent and we will give you the best tips for its care.

Precisely because it belongs to the succulent family, this is a plant that does not need too much care, but it is important that the attention it receives is fair and necessary, or it will never reach all its splendor.

Characteristics that make the jade tree special

jade tree varieties tips tricks to make it grow

With this name, or with the jade plant, we are referring to the Crassula ovata, which we can differentiate by the following features:

  • It belongs to the succulent family, so its leaves have a fleshy appearance that comes from their ability to retain water.
  • The leaves are thick and oval in shape, with a shape reminiscent of coins. In some varieties the edges can take on a reddish tone, especially when they are in the shade, or during winter.
  • Under optimal conditions, it can reach up to one meter high, but its growth is slow.
  • He is developing a trunk that divides into several branches in which the leaves are, hence the name "tree" is given despite being a plant.
  • If the appropriate conditions of temperature, hours of light and humidity are met, it can produce small white or pink flowers.
  • It is a very long-lived plant.

Crassula ovata is native to Mozambique. Considered one of the easiest plants to care for, it can adapt to both being outside and inside homes. Of course, its maximum development is only achieved when it is planted in a garden in warm areas.

Due to the similarity of its leaves with coins, the jade tree has traditionally been conceived as a lucky plant y attracts abundance and prosperity. If you are interested in Feng Shui, this is one of the plants that should not be missing in your home.

We have said that in this article we are going to talk about the jade tree, varieties, tips and tricks, but the truth is that talking about its varieties would be almost impossible, because there are so many. Just as an example, we present some of them:

  • Crassula ovata “Gollum”. It has leaves a little longer than the normal Crassula ovata, with a tubular shape reminiscent of fingers.
  • Crassula ovata «Tricolor». Its peculiarity is that the leaves are green, but have red edges and a cream tone in the center.
  • Crassula ovata «Variegata». The leaves have a curious pattern with white or yellow stripes that mix with the green.

Jade tree: varieties, tips and tricks to care for it

jade tree varieties in pot

Now that we know this plant and its varieties a little better, let's see how to care for it. We have said before that it is very resistant and needs little attention, but that does not mean that it is indestructible. If you want your Crassula ovata to be beautiful, there are a series of care that will help you achieve this.


We have already pointed out that this plant adapts to living both indoors and outdoors, because he likes intermediate climates.

You can have it at home or in the office without any problem and, if you have a balcony or patio, during the mid-season months you can have it outside. However, there is no problem with always being indoors. What we do advise you is not to put it in humid rooms such as the kitchen or bathroom. Being a succulent, humidity is not exactly a good companion for it.


Speaking of humidity, the jade tree does not require much water. If you look at its leaves you will see that they have a fleshy appearance, and this is because the plant accumulates water in them to use it when it needs it.

The frequency of irrigation depends a little on the conditions to which the plant is exposed in terms of temperature, light, etc., but it is advisable to do so every 15 days. In winter, when the plant is dormant, you can space watering up to a month.

To avoid fungal infections, try not to wet the leaves of the plant when you are watering it. If you want to clean the leaves a little, you can do it with a cloth, or apply a little water with a spray bottle and remove the excess.


jade tree leaves

Here we are going to look for a midpoint, neither much nor little. Never put it in full sun, but don't keep it in a shady area either. The jade tree likes to receive light and sun, but not directly, because this could burn its leaves.

In winter, if you have the plant outside, Make sure it is not too exposed to humidity and cold. You can move it to a porch where it is more covered, put it in a greenhouse, or cover it lightly with plastic so that it does not get frost.


Although you can cut your jade plant at any time of the year, the best time to do so is in spring or summer. The only thing you have to do is eliminate those branches that have grown too much. This way you stimulate more compact growth and give your plant the shape you want. Of course, remember to disinfect the scissors before and after using them to avoid possible infections.


If you want to get new plants from cuttings, since it is a succulent, you can achieve it very easily. Short a branch or even a leaf and let it dry for a day. Then, insert it into the substrate, so that it is centered, straight and firmly held. Afterwards, make sure the substrate stays a little moist and, in a short time, you will notice signs that the plant has taken root and is growing.

Our review of the jade tree, varieties, tips and tricks ends. We hope that with this information your plant grows strong and beautiful. Can you tell us your experience in the comments?

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