Honey mushroom (Armillaria ostoyae)

Ability of the honey mushroom to kill trees

When we analyze the largest tree specimens in the world we refer to the redwoods. These are large, ancient trees that inhabit deciduous forests and have unique characteristics. However, there is a known living being even larger and more long-lived than this tree of proportionate sizes. It's about the honey mushroom. Its scientific name is Armillaria ostoyae. It is a parasitic fungus that fructifies at the base of trees and can absorb nutrients through a species of and the so-called rhizomorphs.

In this article we are going to tell you all the characteristics, curiosities and secrets of the honey mushroom.

How they detected the honey mushroom

Characteristics of the honey mushroom

We are talking about a mushroom that has become the largest living being in the world. The mycelium, which is the underground part that allows it to absorb nutrients through some species of and the so-called rhizomorphs, enters the root of the tree and clogs its vessels. If you stay long enough plugging the roots of the tree, it will die. Due to the existence of the honey mushroom there are numerous extensions of land where we can find a large number of dead trees.

And it is that the honey mushroom is only one of the 100.000 species of fungus that we know only that it has somewhat special characteristics. Research began in the forests of Oregon in the late 90s. A large number of American scientists detected the presence of the Armillaria ostoyae and they began to investigate this phenomenon. The conclusion of these studies was that this fungus was the cause of the devastation of these hectares and hectares of dead trees.

Research findings

The question scientists were asking themselves was how many specimens of honey mushroom were needed to cause all this catastrophe. When all the researchers collected innumerable samples of mycelium pieces that were responsible for plugging the roots of the trees and causing their death, they realized the following. When they came to the conclusion they couldn't believe what they were seeing. And it is that they verified that they were not different specimens of the same species as is often thought of in this type of problem. And it is that all the pieces of mycelium that they collected were clones, that is to say, genetically identical.

All this means that in the samples collected from the mysteries in the different dead trees they were part of a single mushroom, they were of enormous size. Its mycelium had spread over 890 hectares.

The worst of all is that all this surprise did not stop there. The scientists had roughly how much a mycelium grows per year. In order to measure its age they tried to calculate its total extension. It is a specimen that is 2400 years old. For this reason, the honey mushroom is considered to be the largest and perhaps the longest living being in the world. The secret of the survival of this species lies in the rhizomorphs. They are so resistant that they can withstand even fire.

Characteristics of the honey mushroom

Largest organism in the world

This mushroom has a hat up to about 10 centimeters in diameter. It has a globular and somewhat campanulate shape. Its cuticle is brown in color and covered with dark, ruffled scales. These scales are most evident in the center of the hat. It has subdecurrent blades and they have a brownish-white color. They are easily stained as they are touched.

As for the foot, it is quite fibrous and has a light brown color with dark scales. The meat of this specimen is white and with a sweet taste at the beginning and bitter later. Although it is the largest species in the world, it is not that it has a remarkable size. If not, it escapes from spreading through the roots of the trees over hundreds of hectares.

We can confuse the Armillaria ostoyae with the Armillaria mellea. And it is that this specimen differs in that it does not have the darker colored scales, neither the hat nor the foot. As for the habitat of the honey mushroom, we can find them in lignicultural places. They are placed on trunks and stumps of deciduous trees. The greatest frequency and abundance of this mushroom is found surrounded by coniferous trees.

The harvest season for this mushroom is in the fall. To cook it, we just have to discard the pie and remove the cooking water. You can eat as much food as little eaten, and it can cause some toxic syndromes if not prepared properly. For those who are newbies and understand me too much about this type of mushroom, their collection is totally discouraged. It is only recommended for a valid culinary use in side dishes or stews. Eating it alone is not recommended.

Secrets of the Armillaria ostoyae

Honey mushroom

Just out of curiosity we can say that this is the largest living organism in the world. However, its growth is purely underground. In these underground environments it is capable of extending up to an area of ​​10 square kilometers. Despite this enormous size, only a small percentage of the growth of this mushroom is what can be seen above the ground. Likewise, only this visible portion above the ground is what can be eaten.

This huge honey mushroom is capable of weighing almost the same as a blue whale. It is a saprophytic fungus that escapes by absorbing nutrients from the soil and fine plant matter such as leaf litter or rotten wood. Therefore, we usually find them in areas near stumps, old tree trunks and places with a high density of leaves. All this moist and decomposing organic matter serves as food for this type of mushroom. In order to feed itself, an underground system uses a brown kiss similar to hyphae with which it can absorb the food source and take nutrients from us.

Scientists have claimed that this mushroom is a great effective decomposer of wood. The fruiting body of the well mushroom that can be seen above the ground is visible during all the months from July to November.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the honey mushroom.

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