The rebollones

Lactarius deliciosus

Today we come to talk about other types of mushrooms that are used for various things. It's about the rebollones. Its scientific name is Lactarius deliciosus and known as rebollones, níscalo or rovellones. It is a fairly common fungus in Spain and grows in pine groves and mixed forests.

Do you want to know the characteristics, when they are collected and what are the rebollones used for?

Key features

characteristics of the rebollones

These mushrooms have a hat that can reach to measure between 5 and 15 centimeters. They are usually orange in color and have concentric circles with a more intense and perfectly defined orange color. The edge is rolled up when young, and as it grows and matures, it flattens out into its old age.

It has several orange blades that take on a more verdigris hue in the handled areas. Its foot is solid and becomes more cavernous with time. Its length is equal to the diameter of the hat.

Its flesh is tough and compact, of a paler color than the rest of the mushroom. It continuously exudes a carrot-colored latex that, although it remains unchanged in contact with air, dries over time to form spots of a green color.

This type of mushroom is not very recognizable by its smell. Its natural habitat resides in coniferous areas and usually appears in a massive way in the autumn season.

It is a fairly edible species and is commonly consumed in many areas of Spain. When the mushroom is young, many dishes can be prepared with them, starting with some potatoes a la Riojana. It is a very appreciated mushroom in Catalonia.

Nutritional properties

rebollones on the ground

The rebollones contain a large amount of water, since they grow with a high concentration of humidity and need it to survive. Between 82% and 92% of the entire mushroom is water. For this reason, it is a food widely used in diets with low carbohydrate and fat content.

It also has numerous vitamins and minerals, as well as being low in calories. 100 grams of rebollones only provide 23 Kcal.

It is an ideal food for people who retain fluids, as it is high in potassium. Its phosphorus content helps us keep teeth and bones in good condition and contributes to stress reduction.

As for minerals, they are rich in copper. Copper helps keep the immune system in good condition to prevent disease. It also keeps the vascular and nervous system in good condition.

However, the mineral whose concentration It is higher in the rebollones is the selenium. Selenium is a mineral well known for its high antioxidant powers that prevent cell degeneration and helps decontaminate the body of heavy metals. Heavy metals accumulate in those who smoke often or those who live in places with high air pollution.

Passing through the vitamins, the rebollones are rich in the B vitamins, especially the B2 and B3. These vitamins help maintain good hair, bone and nail health, as well as strengthen defenses and help nerves vision.

Collection of rebollones

Distinction from other mushrooms and confusions

Distinction between rebollón and another species

According to experts, when some rains begin to fall between the end of August and the beginning of September, it is when the rebollones begin to sprout and it is a good time to go to collect them. As mentioned before, the best phase of the rebollón's life is when it is young. In this way it maintains all its properties.

It is important to know how to recognize and differentiate the chanterelle from other mushrooms. We remember that many mushrooms may not be edible and, if ingested, cause serious stomach or other problems. The discrimination of other mushrooms must be carried out just before collecting them, since in the same group of rebollones we can find mushrooms of other species. When you have experience collecting rebollones, you can already identify them with the naked eye.

One of the clearest differences between a rebollón and a false chanterelle is the color and texture. The false chanterelle (Milkman) has a lighter color (lighter orange) and a somewhat hairier texture. If just the outside is not enough to differentiate them, you can cut and look at the color of the liquid that it gives off. If the latex that exudes is orange, it is undoubtedly a rebollón. If, on the other hand, it is white or more yellowish in color, it is another species of mushroom.

Another fungus that is often confused with the rebollón is Lactarius sanguifluus. It is also an edible mushroom and differs from A lovely milkman in its somewhat more vinous color. The two species are almost the same size and shape, only that the delicious has the most orange edges and the sanguifluus they are more of a wine color.

Harvest time

rebollones habitat

Surely you are wondering what time is the best to collect them. Well, normally these collections are associated with autumn, although it depends a lot on rainfall. In general, after the first rains of September (as long as they are abundant rains), You must wait between 20 and 40 days for the rebollones to begin to grow. I say that this situation depends a lot on the rains, since if it does not rain abundantly or the environmental conditions do not favor a good humidity environment, the collection season for the rebollones can extend until January.

Other ideal conditions for harvesting the chanterelle is that the temperatures are not very low (the rebollones do not withstand frost well), nor should the winds be very strong because they would reduce the humidity necessary for their survival. They are also not good at enduring heat waves.

Uses and recipes for rebollones

plates with rebollones

The rebollones are used to make a lot of recipes, in addition to adding an incredible flavor and aroma to the stews. They can be fried with garlic, grilled with crushed garlic, parsley and lemon with extra virgin olive oil, in tomato sauce, etc.

One of the favorite dishes with the rebollón is grilled. To prepare them you will need a kilo of chanterelles, a tablespoon of oil and another of vinegar, the juice of two lemons and eight cloves of garlic.

The chanterelles are cleaned and placed on the griddle. When they begin to brown, they are turned over and seasoned. In another pan, fry the oil with the garlic and parsley. When the chanterelles are golden brown, add the juice of two lemons and leave until they are roasted. Finally, add the oil with the garlic and parsley.

I hope that with this information you can collect your rebollones and prepare truly delicious dishes. Take advantage!

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      Adriana said

    Excellent information