Today we are going to talk about a type of fungus known to be the oldest that has been used by humans. It's about the Amanita muscaria. It is a fungus that is widespread throughout the world and usually grows at the foot of trees such as birch, oak, beech and fir. They are capable of developing in large numbers since they live in symbiosis with the roots of these trees. This relationship that exists between these living beings is the reason why the Amanita muscaria has not yet been intentionally grown.
In this article we are going to talk to you about all the characteristics, properties and secrets of the Fly agaric.
Key features
The variety that grows in Europe, Asia and North America has a rather showy red hat and is covered in white dots. It is the typical mushroom that is used in cartoons to mention poisonous mushrooms. If we go to those varieties of this mushroom that grow in Central and South America, we can see that it has an orange or yellow hat and that it is adorned with yellowish dots.
It has a fairly large hat that varies between 10 and 25 centimeters in diameter. As they grow, it transforms from a more globose shape to a convex shape. When they are fully developed they are totally flat. Many species of the class of the amanitas that leave in this way. The cuticle of the hat is detachable and scarlet red in color. So that the specimens already fully developed can pull towards an orange color. On this hat we find numerous white arrests of the universal veil. They tend to have a cottony texture and are arranged in concentric circles. Its color is white, although it turns yellow with time.
They have white, wide blades with a flock edge. The lamellae are interspersed. As for the foot, it has a cylindrical shape and is easily detachable from the hat. It has a ring and is robust. Its color is white and it evolves to yellow as it develops over time. The size of the foot varies between 12 to 20 centimeters in height and between 1 and 3 centimeters in diameter.
It has white flesh when cut and orange under the cuticle. It is a fairly thick, tender meat with no appreciable taste or smell.
Ecology and area of distribution of the Amanita muscaria
It is a fairly common and known species throughout the world. This is because it has a wide area of distribution. They are usually found fforming mycorrhizae in conifers and even in deciduous forests with acid soils. They usually develop from late summer to late fall.
We are talking about a species that is not suitable for human consumption. It is a poisonous mushroom. It contains several quite dangerous compounds that can cause serious gastrointestinal disorders.
They grow under trees such as birch, oak, beech and fir thanks to a symbiotic relationship. Although there are certain indications for its consumption, it should never be consumed as it is toxic. It has various hallucinogenic effects that are quite variable depending on the terrain and the variety that we have consumed. One of the best known symptoms is severe vomiting and diarrhea.
It is frequently consumed in Siberia by shepherds who used it to protect themselves from the cold. They did not consume it directly, but owed the liquid from the cooking of these mushrooms. This or what it caused was a euphoric effect. In order to consume them, they first removed the cuticle. This liquid did not lose its properties when passing through the digestive system, so it was expelled through the urine and they were drunk again.
Negative effects of Amanita muscaria
This mushroom is like a kind of key to the world of unconsciousness. That is, by having hallucinogenic effects, it allows us to travel to those fantasy worlds that we create in our mind. It does not produce the same effects in each individual. The dose is the first thing that influences when it comes to performing various effects. We must also take into account the context in which we ingest this mushroom and the sensitivity of each individual.
When the individual inquires about the fungus Amanita muscaria you begin to feel a feeling of intoxication. This sensation makes you feel great euphoria and a complete sense of physical strength. Obviously, that feeling is nothing more than a fake. Even if you think you have an impenetrable physical strength, it is still the same or worse. It is something similar to what happens with alcohol. These effects can be accompanied by dizziness and vertigo since the spatial dimensions are distorted and they produce changes in the perception of the environment.
Normally, everyone who consumes it usually sees how objects get larger or smaller. Bright and colorful kaleidoscopic figures also appear when they close their eyes. Everyone around is brightly colored and bursting with life. For this reason, it is known as the world of fantasy. There are some people who are overcome by great drowsiness that can give way to a profoundly visionary state. If the Amanita muscaria in large doses it can manifest in nausea, vomiting, muscle spasms, diarrhea, delusions and even coma.
How to prepare and consume Amanita muscaria
In order to consume this toxic mushroom, we must avoid consuming it fresh at all costs. It is best to let the hats dry, which is where the highest concentration of the alkaloids that produce the side effects is found. The ideal dosage for most people is between 3 and 5 grams with milder effects. The amounts of 13 grams should not be exceeded under any circumstances.
To prepare them you have to grind them in a coffee grinder when the mushrooms are already dry. It is impossible to distinguish with the naked eye whether some specimens of Amanita muscaria they are softer than others. The effects last between 6 and 8 hours depending on the dose.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about the Fly agaric.