The mushroom season has begun and there are many who go out to collect them in the forests, or those who in the greengrocers and supermarkets see that they have returned to bring them. If you are one of the fans of this delicacy, surely from time to time you want to go out and look for them, but do you know that there are many mushrooms that can be toxic? Or what is there a list of the most dangerous mushrooms in the world?
Sometimes distinguishing between them is not easy, because some specimens are very similar to others that are harmless, but other times you may find yourself with the unpleasant surprise that you have in front of you, or in your hands, a mushroom that could kill you. Do you want to know what they are? Pay attention that we tell you about them.
Amanita muscaria
Surely this mushroom sounds familiar to you because when it comes to seeing it in cartoons, it is the one that is almost always used. How is? Well, white with her red hat, with some white spots. The mushroom we always remember (even in a video game you have it).
What you may not know is that it is one of the most dangerous there is because, if you take large amounts of it, it can cause a neuronal problem (It is neurotoxic). Not only that, but it can induce a coma and cause hallucinations.
They call it "fly swatters" because when insects come into contact it paralyzes them.
amanita pantherina
Imagine the previous mushroom but with the brown "hat". Well, this is the other mushroom that is harmless. To give you an idea, if you eat it, you will not only have hallucinations (especially visual), but you will lose control of your body and have moments of euphoria followed by aggressiveness.
You can have spasms, seizures, and even stay in a coma. In addition, it is one of those that you can eat and not feel any effect until after 1-3 hours. And then you will have those symptoms for a minimum of 12 hours.
Amanita phalloides
Better known as "Green Oronja", this one is deadly. Extremely deadly if action is not taken in time to stop the poisoning. Besides, it is quite famous.
It is said that it was the cause of the death of two important personalities, such as Emperor Claudius or Pope Clement VII.
And do you know anything else? Well, it is easy to confuse it with another mushroom, the Agaricus arvensis, hence it is even more dangerous.
clitocybe dealbata
Let's go with more dangerous mushrooms in the world. In this case we are not going to tell you one that kills you, but Yes, it will make you have a very bad time, with diarrhea, fevers, vomiting, sweating, etc.
In addition, it is not so crazy to eat it, mainly because it can be easily confused with the marasmius oreades or the Clitopilus prunulus.
Armillaria mellea
This mushroom is one of the most dangerous in the world. And yet you should know that it is edible. How can it be? Well because the specimens that are toxic are adults. Young or sprouts are not.
Even so, there are many people who can be intolerant or allergic and will have a picture of abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, nausea, etc. which can last from a few hours to a whole day.
This little set looks like a little thing, right? Well, maybe what you don't know is that, if you consume it, you can run out of liver, and not only that, but it also causes death.
The reason is that contains amanitite, which is a very toxic substance for the body, which makes it better to stay well away from her.
entoloma sinuatum
This is one of the most dangerous mushrooms in the world, not only because can cause vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, but because you can consume it without realizing it.
And it is very similar to the Calocybe gambosa or lepista nebularis, two edible mushrooms.
Lepiota brunneoincarnata
This is one of the ones that can make you suffer the most. Mainly because It is a poisonous and also deadly mushroom. In fact, it is recommended that, if you find it, it is easy to confuse with other edible species and, therefore, it is better not to eat any lepiota that has a hat less than 8 cm in diameter.
Yes, in this case you should go with a meter to avoid problems.
Cortinarius orellanus
This is one of the most dangerous mushrooms in the world, and also one of the most deadly and silent. And is that you can consume it and not notice anything until after 3-4 weeks. Of course, during that time the mushroom has been in charge of destroying your kidneys. By the time he "shows up," it may be too late.
Luckily it is a very rare specimen to find.
Marginal galley
Do you remember the mushroom we told you had amanitin in it? Well, this has alpha-amanitin, much more concentrated and poisonous, being able to become mortal.
Gyromitra esculenta
This is one of the mushrooms that, when you see it, gives you the creeps to catch it because its hat looks like a brain. But it is also very poisonous. Although it has a trick.
If you are able to cook it several times, throwing out the cooking water each time, or you let it air dry for months and months, then you may be able to consume it.. But that's already your decision.
Inocybe patouillardii
Among the most dangerous mushrooms in the world, this one in particular has the addition that it can be confused with other edibles.
But there is a trick to avoid consuming it. And it is that, when it is cut, the mushroom turns red, so if you see that happens with a copy, throw it away immediately.
Boletus satanas
Its name already warns you that the mushroom is not just any mushroom, but that you have to be very careful with it. However, it is not deadly, far from the most toxic.
Yes you will have a problem if you take it raw, because it causes gastrointestinal problems. Even cooked it may not sit well at all, so you better skip it.
As you can see, there are many dangerous mushrooms in the world. And there are many accidents per year of people who ingest both those that are poisonous and those that in addition to being toxic are deadly. So if you are going to eat mushrooms, make sure they are not a problem and will make your day (or the following weeks) bitter.