Lactarius chrysorrheus

Lactarius chrysorrheus characteristics

Today we are going to talk about a species of mushroom that belongs to the genus Lactarius and that is quite well known. Its about Lactarius chrysorrheus. It is known by the common name of Lactario de leche dorada and it is because the word Lactario comes from the Greek milk and its second name means golden current. This refers to the white color that it gives off when cut that resembled both being and that quickly changes to a sulfur yellow color. It belongs to the Russulaceae family.

In this article we are going to tell you everything you need to know about the Lactarius chrysorheus.

Key features

Lactarius chrysorrheus

It has a hat that in adult stage can reach 10 centimeters in diameter at most. These specimens are something more exceptional. The most normal thing is that the size of the hats is between 3 and 7 centimeters. When they are young, they usually have a convex shape hat and, as they develop, they acquire a kind of flat reform little accused in their last stage. Therefore, it can be recognized with the naked eye if a fungus of this species is more adult or is still a young specimen.

It has an ocher color with orange hues. We also find concentric areas of darker tones throughout the hat. Its cuticle is somewhat shiny when it rains, but it generally appears smooth, dry, and glabrous. The margin of the hat has an involuntary appearance in the young specimens as they develop, they acquire an even smoother and slightly wavy appearance.

It has pale cream colored plates that gradually acquire pink tones as they age. As a result of the latex that they give off with the cut, they usually yellow in the wounds. These lamellae are quite tight and have numerous interspersed lamellae. As for the foot, it is quite proportionate to the size of the hat. When the mushroom is young the foot is stuffed. However, when the mushroom reaches its adult stage the foot ends up becoming hollow. This is another indicator to be able to recognize the state of development of the mushroom. This foot has a light color, pale cream although it can also acquire some pinker or fleshier tones with the passage of time. This happens just like the sheets. The foot is smooth and only weak during its first stage.

Finally, its meat is brown and brittle. It exudes an abundant latex that, despite being white, turns yellow instantly when it comes into contact with the air. The white meat and latex are sweet at first but turn spicy. For many, the taste is quite spicy and the smell is mild.

Habitat of the Lactarius chrysorrheus

Lactarius chrysorrheus and habitat

El Lactarius chrysorrheus It is a species typical of the flatwood forests. These specimens could not be found in another habitat. The fruiting season takes place during the autumn months alone or in small groups. When its fruiting takes place, it is a rather frequent mushroom. We can see the every year without problems and organize collections.

In planifolio forests we can find them in deciduous forests where we preferably find oaks, beech and chestnut trees. They can also be seen in evergreen forests dominated by holm oaks and cork oaks.

It usually develops on the litter of Mediterranean forests. Mainly in the holm oak forests and more sparingly on the oak leaf litter. In beech or pine forests it can grow more occasionally.

Possible confusion

Lactary golden milk toxicity

Since it has an incomprehensible size and a rather strange shape, it can be confused many times with other species of chanterelles. There are some chanterelles that have orange latex and do not share the habitat with this species. For example we have that of Lactarius zonarius It has a well-differentiated pileic surface since it is a white latex and remains immutable in contact with air. As we have mentioned before, in the case of Lactarius chrysorrheus latex turns yellow as it comes into contact with the surrounding air. With this indicator we can differentiate one species from another.

Another possible confusion is the Lactarius decipiens. This species also has a latex that turns yellow on contact with air. However, in order to differentiate this species, we must note that it does not present a zoned hat. This difference can help us to separate one species from another.

El Lactarius pallidus it also has a pinkish color towards but is somewhat paler and does not have concentric bands. This can help us to differentiate them. On his side the Lactarius scrobiculatus it is another species very similar to the chanterelles. In this case has a foot marked with darker oval spots and depressions. It also has a slightly hairier edge and spicy flavor. The problem with this species is that it has great similarities with chanterelles or rebollones.

Finally, two other species that can be confused are A lovely milkman and Lactarius sanglifluus. This is they differ because the latex is orange or reddish. It also has a flavor that is not spicy and its slices are orange as if it were a carrot or sometimes a beet.


El Lactarius chrysorrheus not usually edible. In the case of ingestion, it can cause some gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. We must bear in mind that when we are going to make collections we have to know how to tell if a mushroom is poisonous or edible. And the problem is that on many occasions the main difference between one species and another is their taste. Then you have to take the risk of trying them.

When it is the case that there is such a small difference there may always be some other differentiating element between each species. You have to look at the cut, the skin, the lamellae, the size and shape of the hat, the foot, even the latex and its color. In this way, we guarantee that we are not consuming a toxic mushroom.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the Lactarius chrysorheus.

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